This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

do you know where you stand?

A very interesting survey. It is disticly british, but it also reflectes our views here as well. I took this survey and the results were a little suprising, you may not realize whereyou really stand. I thought i was mid right, only to find i was slightly right and very idealistic in nature. I would take the time to see where you really are, it will suprise you.

2 comments: said...

I think that this is a good survey I think everyone should take it because I really think most people probably are not what they think they are. I am slightly right of center. The important thing about these types of quizzes is that with a lot of the questions there should be a slightly agree, or disagree statement to give a more accurate reading because agree and slightly agree are different and may change the outcome of the poll.

Chris Jenkins said...

I agree, this was a very interesting quiz... It made me question my own beliefs too. Hmmm...

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