This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Immagration and climate change

What do these two have in common? Answer:
Hispanics voted heavily Democratic in 2008, and they've been disappointed with President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats for not following up on campaign promises to reform immigration laws. Reid is up for re-election this year and trailing in polls in Nevada.
Kerry needs Reed, but Reeed does not need Kerry. I guess the committee did not get the consesous they hoped for!!


Unknown said...

I'm very impressed that you discovered a third way to spell the Senator from Nevada's name.

Anonymous said...

I may as well concede the best joke of the semester right Ron. In an Andy Kaufmanesque way, you've suspended reality by means of your unconventional spelling and kept us all guessing: Are we laughing at him or is the joke on us? I actually did have something to add though. Who's Reid fooling? Of course he's trying to use this as a political ploy. If he's equally committed to passing both pieces of legislation, both of which he claims are vital to our economic and national security, then why would he push for immigration as a priority? Republicans are right, but I'm not sure that it will be easy to spin this around on the Democrats, or at least with Hispanic voters. I mean even if they can convey the Democrats as manipulating legislation to their political advantage I don't think that Hispanic voters will care as long as immigration reform gets passed.

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