This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Leinenkugel vs Feingold

This may be interesting, a quality Challenger in the running. After today's "tea party" he looks like he is gaining traction in the race. If he does in fact win the seat, i wounder how much political capital this will give the "tea party" for the house seats?

He definitely has "Name recognition" and this will resonate with many voters.


Maura Metz said...

I think being Gov. Doyle's Commerce Secretary would be a hard sell for Republican primary voters.

On a less serious note, people have begun boycotting Leinie's Sunset Wheat on Facebook to express their displeasure with Leinenkugle running: said...

I think Leinenkugel is clearly the best candidate to run against Feingold and he does have the money. However as Maura pointed out he was Doyle's Commerce secretary and that will be difficult for some Republicans. The position of Commerce secretary is non-partisan so he can claim that, however he will be linked to whatever questionable deals Doyle has made such as the Talgo train deals. He is a decent candidate. The other two candidates can best be described as clown 1 and clown 2. Terrance Wall hasn't paid state income taxes in about 5 years. David Westlake refuses to raise funds beside selling his T-shirt on his website. Feingold will have about 10 million dollars. Westlake's i'm pure campaign might have worked in 1860 when people campaigned around the state by horse and buggy. He won't even come close to raising the money needed to run today. I do not think any of these three will even come close to unseating Feingold.

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