This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

analysis from Rep. John Olver and Senator John Kerry

The official websits for Rep. John W. Oliver and Senator John Kerry are compeletly different, although both individuals represents the citizens of Massachusetts at the federal level. Rep. John W.Olver website which says "proudly serving the people of Massachusetts 1st district" is very personal. These word are very specific targerting the people of the 1st district because they are the people he represent in Congress. The use of such logo allowed rep. John W. Olver to show some personal connection to his district and to those whom he serve.  Although he is an elected mrmber from the state of Massachusetts, he has more to gain from the 1st district then the rest of the state therefore he most have personal connections with those he represent if he want to stay in office. Also his website show disrtict one as the focus point and his homestyle shows him speaking to people in small town in district 1, not the entire state.
Nevertheless, Senator John Kerry offical website is very broad showing that he represents the entire state of Massachusetts. He dose not have the luxuries to campaign in only one district on his website like rep. John Oliver because every citizens of Massachusetts are his constituencies. His website is very broad because it most appeal to all his voters. His homestyle shows him talking to people across the ststes.


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