This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Allen West (FL-22) Web Style

Allen West (FL-22) Web Style
Florida Congressman Allen West Web style      
· : A mix of national and local, Blue color scheme
Allen West for U.S. Congress
· : Focuses on national issues, Grey/Yellow Color Scheme
Florida Senator Marco Rubio Web Style
· : Some local issues but mostly focuses on national issues, Blue/grey color scheme
Florida Senator Bill Nelson Web Style
· : Almost entirely national focused, with “Florida News” as local, Blue color scheme

Congressman West’s official U.S. House page falls into a mixed category based on the Gulati article. At the tope there is a banner that reads Congressman Allen West Representing the 22nd District of Florida with himself superimposed over the Florida coastline. This is followed by access of social media such as facebook, youtube, twitter and flicker. His page is then sectioned off into Media, Constituent Services, Committees & Legislation, and Contact Me which includes a map of the Florida district. He links to national issues such as Health Care and the debt as well as local issues and photos from local events and meetings. West does not paint himself as an insider or outsider on this website. Allen West does have a personal website that is being used for campaign for reelection. It focus is mostly on hot button national issues such as the economy and national Health Care. The site also of course focuses on gaining help for the campaign and getting donations.
                Both of West’s web pages stay neutral and even use colors I have never seen before such as grey and yellow. Compared to the Florida Senate websites of Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bill Nelson (D-FL), West’s also matches those websites in both style and mix of national and local issues. I would say that both Senator Bill Nelson’s and Senator Marco Rubio’s sites focuses on national issues much more on National issues then local issues. Allen West’s pages as well as Marco Rubio’s are definitely more engaging and interactive then Bill Nelson’s as they have slideshows and photo galleries then provide additional information to constituents. It seems that in Florida, despite the typical Red color scheme used by Republicans, blue and grey are standard issue for both Republicans and Democrats.  Both Senate pages have images of the Senators in meetings giving more of an insider feel to them while West’s focuses on local meeting and events.  
This leads me to believe that Florida prefers an image of neutrality on colors, since none really kept with the typical color schemes, and wanted to show some kind of a balance between national and local issues. Allen West’s sites avoided images of him in meeting in Washington and focused more on local and state issues so as to not convey he’s a Washing ton insider. I also find it worth mentioning that Allen West’s web site is similar to Marco Rubio’s in many ways and I feel he covers and appeals to voters on many of the same issues, so perhaps a path to Senate it something West has in mind.

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