This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Political ads distorting their opponent actual words

This political ads ran by Democrat incumbents Alan Grayson campaign against Republican challenger Daniel Webster for the 8th Congressional district in Florida 2010 midterm election during a time when the Democrats were facing a political catastrophes especially incumbents and anyone associated with the Democrats. Rep. Alan Grayson completely distorted his Republican Challenger Daniel Webster words saying we had a radical Taliban agenda that he wanted to imposed on American which was not true. He also said that Challenger Daniel Webster wants to make divorce illegal, prohibit alimony to adulterous wife, voted to deny abuse women health care and their right to divorce their abusers, force abuse women to have their children's whether rape or not.
Daniel actual word was to his wife telling her not to pick the word in the Bible that say she should summit to him, but she should pick the once she can do. Also as regard to the freedom we enjoyed today he said it is not actually free because many lost their lives for us to have such freedom, but his words were taking out of context earning top place in the Worst political ads of 2010.  He is right about everything he said, I don't why political parties often used their opponent wrongly for political gain, but it work.

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