This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

CBC Wants Better Laws to Protect African Americans from Guns?

The Congressional Black Caucus is pushing for a committee that will investigate the laws that have been evoked in defense of George Zimmerman after shooting Treyvon Martin. This proposed commission would look into economic disparity which continues to plague the African American community and analyze the statistics behind the large numbers of boys and men who have been killed before their time.

This whole situation is horrible for everybody involved. Clearly Zimmerman's community felt threatened by the recent rash of break-ins and anyone who lives in Metro Milwaukee and relate to property theft but at the same time the Sanford Police have previously attempted to hide 911 tapes from the public and sweep the affair through the system as quickly and quietly as possible. Was George Zimmerman attacked? Perhaps the only person who could ever 100% corroborate that story is dead.

So what can be accomplished at this point by the CBC in trying to form this committee? I worry it furthers the divisive politics and images that encouraged the circumstances under which Treyvon Martin's death occurred. I think that the CBC often goes undistinguished by the majority of people from the Democratic Party as a whole. This could be a wedge issue that the Republicans jump all over to attempt to tear away some Caucasian votes from the Democrats . I am also not 100% sure that outline of research for this potential committee has not been attempted previously. CBC Democrats usually do not have to worry about their reelection safety because their districts are going to vote for them with or without a committee but other democrats in split districts or where gun rights are accepted by both ideologies this proposal could be detrimental.

1 comment:

milmayes said...

And I want to be protected from white and blacks burglarizing my home. Because according the the fbi ucr site 85% of all burglars involved in their data set were white or black.

Their basis for questing a court tested law is simply politicking. This is going to hurt their fellow dems in contested elections if this becomes a big deal.

The people they need to protect them from are their own constituents.

94% of all murders of a black person are committed by a black person.

See my link

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