This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

female insiders and outsiders

What was interesting to me about Gulati's research on politician's websites was the observation of more female democratic politicians having the "outsider" style of website where as republican female politicians tended to have more of the "insider" style. 

I am researching Jackie Speier of California's 12th district for my project so I scanned her website for the outsider style since she is a Dem and it was very apparent. Local pictures and images that aren't "national" were everywhere to be found. I decided to continue comparing her website to other female Democrats and had similar findings.

I then briefly researched female republican representatives from California for the "insider" website style and was surprised at my findings. I couldn't necessarily tell GOPs and Dems a part by their website. The female republican representatives I browsed had mostly local images, few having anything directly relating to Washington.

This was very interesting to me since it went against Gulati to a certain extent, but then again I only did a very small comparison. Below, links to various female democratic and republican leaders are included.


Doris Matsui her site
Lynn W. her site
Nancy Pelosi her site
Barbra Lee her site
Jackie Speier her site
Anna G. Eshoo her site
Zoe Lofgren her site

Mary Bono Mack her site
Connie Conway her site
Shannon Grove her site
Linda Halderman her site
Diane Harky her site

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