This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.
A Three Way Split
Rice: Congress Shouldn't Micromanage War
Will Gore Run for President after his Oscar Nod?
Govenors See Influence Wane In Race For Presidency
Supreme Court Possible Veto Actor in Iraq Resolution
June Vote Set for Ga. Congressional Seat
Because the special election is in June, the candidates who will be running for the seat (3 Republicans and 1 Democrat so far) will have only about 4 months to campaign.
Eye to the Telescope.
This is a great article from THE ECONOMIST, it looks at the primaries from a game theory perspective. "It is reasonably clear where the process will end, as the states scramble over each other...", I'll let you read to find out where it leads...
The issue comes into play because
This is a great look at the consequences of our current primaries system, how it will likely change, and a perspective on how it should change...
Vilsack Out.
Democratic Senate Majority in Jeopardy?
The bright side for Democrats is that he doesn't want to switch, or is at least saying as much. With the Democratic majority already on shaky ground with the Tim Johnson situation, Lieberman has become a player, dare I say the median voter, at least on Iraq. Sadly, the Democrats need him more than he needs the Democrats. Joe knows that as much as Harry Reid. My prognostication: Joe continues to caucus with the Democrats, at least through 2008. The Democrats will do enough to appease him and the Republicans won't offer him enough to switch. Not to mention the potential problem Lieberman faces in the 33% of Democrats in CT that voted for him in the general. Interesting, if not tricky and kind of scary situation.
Pelosi tattles on Cheney
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi phoned President Bush to air her complaints over Vice President Dick Cheney's comments that the Congressional Democrats' plan for Iraq would "validate the Al Qaeda strategy."
Pelosi, who said she could not reach the president, said Cheney's comments wrongly questioned critics' patriotism and ignored Bush's call for openness on Iraq strategy.
"You cannot say as the president of the United States, 'I welcome disagreement in a time of war,' and then have the vice president of the United States go out of the country and mischaracterize a position of the speaker of the House and in a manner that says that person in that position of authority is acting against the national security of our country," the speaker said.
Where did the issues go?
Committee approves 'informed consent' abortion bill
Committee approves 'informed consent' abortion bill
McCain wants to overturn Roe v Wade
"I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned," the Arizona senator told about 800 people in South Carolina, one of the early voting states.
The landmark 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade gave women the right to choose an abortion to terminate a pregnancy. The Supreme Court has narrowly upheld the decision, with the presence of an increasing number of more conservative justices on the court raising the possibility that abortion rights would be limited.
Keating told the crowd that McCain is the "only candidate who is a true-blue, Ronald Reagan conservative."
The Hot Ticket in Hollywood: An Evening With Obama
WI student lobbies in Washington for more funding
Free Trade? At What Cost?
Senate Gridlocks on Iraq War Resolution
Senate Belatedly Passes Spending Bill for 2007
My response: WWRD? What would the Republicans do if they still had majority in the House? Enough said.
Petri Breaks With GOP on Iraq
House set to OK tax package worth $1.8B
Live from MN, it's Al Franken for Senate!
Senate Coalition Prevents Different Median Vote
War at Home: Bush and the Debate
Falwell, Robertson, and Miscellaneous nutjobs
McCain Tries To Make Amends With Christian Conservatives
Pact With North Korea Draws Fire From a Wide Range of Critics in U.S.
California Senate votes to move presidential primary to February
what life is more important-- a baby or a chicken
The House Judiciary Committee considered a bill to limit animal fighting such as using cockfighters.The bill prohibits transporting the animals across state lines to participate in these fights. During the debate, pro-life Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, tried to attach an amendment to the bill to prevent someone other than a teenager's parents from taking her to another state to have an abortion. Once again, no one other than a teenage girls parents should be helping her make this decision, besides her boyfriend perhaps. But that was not the case with Marcia Carroll.
Sensenbrenner brought up the case of Marcia Carroll, whose 14-year-old daughter was coerced by her boyfriend's family into traveling from her home state of Pennsylvania to New Jersey to have an abortion against her will.
"I recognize we are meeting here today to consider a bill to protect chickens," Sensenbrenner said in a statement given to "But isn't protecting our nation's young women, like Mr. Carroll's daughter, and their unborn equally, if not more important, than our dinner entree?"
"Without this amendment, we will be giving more protection to chickens than we will be giving to minor children, their parents and their unborn baby," he said
I do agree with this position, surprise surprise, but I also thought it was a good example for the class where things are either pushed through, or prevented from being passed, by adding different elements to certain bills and amendments.
Australian leader: Al-Qaida wants Obama
States and U.S. at Odds on Aid for Uninsured
War at Home: In the People’s House
Former Pentagon official defends report on Iraq, al Qaeda.
Congressional Circumvention of Lobbying Laws
Committee chairman: Homeland protected 'on the cheap
In this article, a house committee chairman accused the Bush administration of protecting the
Advice for Hillary from one of the greatest political minds of our time...
Wait...There was no conclusive link between Osama and Hussein?
Pelosi and the Plane
Except this time, he actually budged and leaked some information on, probably, the least thing I could possibly care about as far as the haps of my representatives are concerned. All aboard!
To the highest bidder goes the Presidency
Global warming ethics, pork and profits
Going the Way of the Buffalo...Social Security
Run, Al, Run
Giuliani Announces He's In '08 Presidential Race
Smoking Ban in Shorewood Defeated
Bush sends $2.9 trillion plan to Congress
House to Take Up Iraq Resolution Debate
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said Tuesday that House Democratic leaders are drafting their own non-binding resolution on Iraq that signifies opposition to troop escalation.
The resolution is being written by Reps. Ike Skelton, D-Mo., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and Tom Lantos, D-Calif., chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Amendments will not be permitted on the resolution, to be debated over three days and wrapped up before the President's Day recess on Feb. 19, Hoyer said."
Wash. initiative would require married couples to have kids
PA Senator abuses Non-Profit
A Presidential Also-Ran, Kerry Adjusts to What Passes for a Normal Life in the Senate
Groundhog Day
PS: Its my favorite holiday because it happens to be my birthday --this has caused me to be the recipient of more than a few comments through the years, and NO I did not see my shadow Friday morning!
McCain blasts 'vote of no confidence'
Senate Hearing on Congressional War Cessation
Minimum wage bill heads to negotiations
US Congress debates rebuke Bush on Iraq
This is an article about Congress sending troops to
"Duke-stir" Not Sunk Enough...Yet.
On an aside, where can I sign up for a cheesy nickname? Randall "Duke" Cunningham, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, Irving Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Ah well, guess I'm on the wrong side of the isle for that.
"Duke-stir" Not Sunk Enough...Yet.
On an aside, where can I sign up for a cheesy nickname? Randall "Duke" Cunningham, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, Irving Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Ah well, guess I'm on the wrong side of the isle for that.
Doyle calls on congress to pass stem cell legislation
"I think the president's position is becoming more and more untenable," Doyle said Wednesday after meeting with Senate Democrats on the issue. "The political debate on this is over."
In response to Doyle's comments, the White House referred to a "statement of administration policy" on the stem cell legislation, which said the bill "would compel all American taxpayers to pay for research that relies on the intentional destruction of human embryos for the derivation of stem cells, overturning the president's policy that funds research without promoting such ongoing destruction."
In my personal opinion I do not believe that we should use federal money to fund such a morally controversial issue. I have no problem seeing the private sector develop this, and I believe Wisconsin would be a great place to start this. At this point in time, there are over 100 different cases that have benefited from adult stem cell research and embryonic stem cell research has yet to provide even one case, therefore it is hard to determine the affects it will have.
Speaker Pursues military flights
The office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pressing the Bush administration for routine access to military aircraft for domestic flights, such as trips back to her San Francisco district, according to sources familiar with the discussions. The sources, who include those in Congress and in the administration, said the Democrat is seeking regular military flights not only for herself and her staff, but also for relatives and for other members of the California delegation. . Mrs. Pelosi's request is not new for a speaker, who is second-in-line in presidential succession. A defense source said the speaker's regular access to a military plane began after the September 11, 2001, attacks. Rep. J. Dennis Hastert, Illinois Republican, who was speaker at the time, started using U.S. Air Force planes for domestic travel to and from his district for security reasons. A former Hastert aide said the congressman did not use military planes for political trips or regularly transport his family.
These requests were sighted for security purposes and good communications to conduct legislative business.
Biden Unwraps ‘08 Bid With an Oops!
Blog Archive
- A Three Way Split
- Rice: Congress Shouldn't Micromanage War
- Will Gore Run for President after his Oscar Nod?
- Govenors See Influence Wane In Race For Presidency
- Supreme Court Possible Veto Actor in Iraq Resolution
- June Vote Set for Ga. Congressional Seat
- Eye to the Telescope.
- Vilsack Out.
- Democratic Senate Majority in Jeopardy?
- Pelosi tattles on Cheney
- Where did the issues go?
- Committee approves 'informed consent' abortion bill
- Committee approves 'informed consent' abortion bill
- McCain wants to overturn Roe v Wade
- The Hot Ticket in Hollywood: An Evening With Obama
- WI student lobbies in Washington for more funding
- Free Trade? At What Cost?
- Senate Gridlocks on Iraq War Resolution
- Senate Belatedly Passes Spending Bill for 2007
- Petri Breaks With GOP on Iraq
- House set to OK tax package worth $1.8B
- Live from MN, it's Al Franken for Senate!
- Senate Coalition Prevents Different Median Vote
- War at Home: Bush and the Debate
- Falwell, Robertson, and Miscellaneous nutjobs
- McCain Tries To Make Amends With Christian Conserv...
- Pact With North Korea Draws Fire From a Wide Range...
- California Senate votes to move presidential prima...
- what life is more important-- a baby or a chicken
- Australian leader: Al-Qaida wants Obama
- States and U.S. at Odds on Aid for Uninsured
- War at Home: In the People’s House
- Former Pentagon official defends report on Iraq, a...
- Congressional Circumvention of Lobbying Laws
- Committee chairman: Homeland protected 'on the cheap
- Advice for Hillary from one of the greatest politi...
- Wait...There was no conclusive link between Osama ...
- Pelosi and the Plane
- To the highest bidder goes the Presidency
- Global warming ethics, pork and profits
- Going the Way of the Buffalo...Social Security
- Run, Al, Run
- Giuliani Announces He's In '08 Presidential Race
- Smoking Ban in Shorewood Defeated
- Bush sends $2.9 trillion plan to Congress
- House to Take Up Iraq Resolution Debate
- Wash. initiative would require married couples to ...
- PA Senator abuses Non-Profit
- A Presidential Also-Ran, Kerry Adjusts to What Pas...
- Groundhog Day
- McCain blasts 'vote of no confidence'
- Senate Hearing on Congressional War Cessation
- Minimum wage bill heads to negotiations
- US Congress debates rebuke Bush on Iraq
- "Duke-stir" Not Sunk Enough...Yet.
- "Duke-stir" Not Sunk Enough...Yet.
- Doyle calls on congress to pass stem cell legislation
- Speaker Pursues military flights
- Biden Unwraps ‘08 Bid With an Oops!