This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

A Presidential Also-Ran, Kerry Adjusts to What Passes for a Normal Life in the Senate

This article speaks about the fact that presidential also-ran, (meaning he lost an election) John Kerry has been a loner around Capitol Hill. His presidential aspirations are nearly gone, and now he must get back to "normal" senate life. This is proving difficult for the one time presidential candidate. However, I feel that Mr. Kerry is in a peculiar position to make a difference as a lawmaker. Yes, he lost, and as the article says "america does not tolerate losers," but I think that being in this position allows him to transcend the vulnerable politician role that seems to lurk in the shadows of all of our representatives, and make a difference on the senate floor. More incumbents do win the elections, but the name John Kerry puts him in an even more stable position that in essence could bring back his presidential aspirations. The talks about how Richard Nixon lost to JFK and then went on to win presidency. So don't count this old soldier out. And just for fun a joke from the article (“John Kerry walks into a bar,” goes the Washington version of the old joke. “Bartender says, ‘Hey, Senator Kerry, why the long face?)

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