This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

California Senate votes to move presidential primary to February

California wants to have the earliest of the early primaries. Believing that California politics such as oil drilling and immigration deserve a larger spotlight, the California Senate has voted to move their primary from June. 3 to Feb. 5.

1 comment:

Jsobie said...

What I do not understand is why California wants to have its primary election so early? I do not understand. The reason the article gives is because they hope it " will force contenders to rethink a campaign strategy that traditionally focuses on face-to-face persuasion in New Hampshire and Iowa" The hope is to make California seem more important but I do not understand why because before when California moved up its elections, other states did to. Everyone want to be important, just not California!

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