This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

what life is more important-- a baby or a chicken

A Congressional committee on this past Wednesday decided to vote against an amendment that would prohibit taking teenagers out of state for secret abortions without their parents' knowledge. This seems to be a no brainer for me but who knows in this day in age. The most interesting part though is what follows. The committee eventually decided protecting chickens was more important than protecting children.
The House Judiciary Committee considered a bill to limit animal fighting such as using cockfighters.The bill prohibits transporting the animals across state lines to participate in these fights. During the debate, pro-life Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, tried to attach an amendment to the bill to prevent someone other than a teenager's parents from taking her to another state to have an abortion. Once again, no one other than a teenage girls parents should be helping her make this decision, besides her boyfriend perhaps. But that was not the case with Marcia Carroll.
Sensenbrenner brought up the case of Marcia Carroll, whose 14-year-old daughter was coerced by her boyfriend's family into traveling from her home state of Pennsylvania to New Jersey to have an abortion against her will.
"I recognize we are meeting here today to consider a bill to protect chickens," Sensenbrenner said in a statement given to "But isn't protecting our nation's young women, like Mr. Carroll's daughter, and their unborn equally, if not more important, than our dinner entree?"
"Without this amendment, we will be giving more protection to chickens than we will be giving to minor children, their parents and their unborn baby," he said

I do agree with this position, surprise surprise, but I also thought it was a good example for the class where things are either pushed through, or prevented from being passed, by adding different elements to certain bills and amendments.


deborahmweigel said...

The first paragraph is poorly worded. I meant to say that it should be a no brainer that only parents should be allowed to take their kids out of state for an abortion, if thats what they are choosing to do.

"JPO" Joseph Ohler said...

Given that only a minor’s parent or legal guardian may give consent in conjunction with the minor’s assent for just about any inherently risky activity or procedure ranging from sky diving to relatively tame high school field trips, it judiciously follows that parental consent should legally be required for a minor to undergo a major medical procedure such as abortion. From a legal perspective, the threat of minors harming themselves via back-alley abortions is no greater than the threat of minors choosing to engage in other risky activities without their parent’s consent such as drug abuse and binge drinking. The common theme in those activities is that they are all recreational activities. With the exception of rape (comprising fewer than 10% of fertilization events culminating in legally obtained abortions), NO ONE HAD to knock boots. The rape victims may remedy the prospect of forced parenthood by giving their nascent child up for adoption. Now that so many young people are getting hot under the collar about abortion rights, an increase of awareness about the restrictions of reproductive privileges should inspire at least some to be more prudent in choosing their frequency of intercourse (as there is no absolutely safe form of sex).

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