This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Will Gore Run for President after his Oscar Nod?

Ever since An Inconvenient Truth was nominated for an Oscar there has been buzz that Al Gore would announce his bid for 2008 Democratic Party President in his acceptance speech. He did win but he didn't announce anything. Officially he stated that he hasn't ruled out running but I don't think he will. I just don't think there is room for him anymore, not between Hillary and Obama. He had his chance and some would argue that he did win, but now he needs to step aside. Theres always the Nobel Peace Prize Al.

1 comment:

Kierzek said...

I think there's still room. Here's why. First, Hillary's numbers have no where to go but down, at least barring some substantial development. People know who she is and why they like or dislike her from 8 years in the White House as First Lady and 6 years in the Senate. That's just the way it is, unfortunately. Second, Barack Obama is still relatively unknown. Literally, we don't know everything about his past that primaries tend to reveal. I like both candidates and I think it's already a fascinating race. Then you add Jon Edwards, my favorite for 2004 and it makes it even more difficult to choose for 2008. All three are wonderful politicians whom I admire a great deal.
However, the most recent Washington Post poll shows 65% of the American public is already closely watching the race. Hypothetically, if Hillary and Obama duke it out and damage each other irreparably and Edwards doesn't gain any more ground, there could be a call from Democratic higher-ups for a very experienced rock star-status candidate with an oscar, maybe a nobel peace prize. There's always room for Al Gore.

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