This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Run, Al, Run

A very interesting article from Rolling Stone. It follows how Al Gore would be the perfect candidate for the Democrats and why he's got what it takes to be the next president. While Gore says he doesn't have plans for running in 2008, he doesn't outright deny that he might. If he ran for nomination it would be an extremely interesting race. He could follow in the path of Nixon in the 1968 election. Either way, he's definitely worth watching.


Willis said...

I would like to see Al Gore run for president again, but this time stay with the issues that made him such a popular choice. Last time in the white house he fought to ratify the Kyoto Treaty. Then while running for president he put those issues aside. With all the enviromental issues at hand now a days, he would be the man to have all the answers. At least we would hope.

meganlwood said...

Does anyone else remember post election Al Gore with a scraggly beard drinking a beer? That is the man I think should run. Plus hes got Nobel Peace Prize buzz around him for his work on global warming. I think America is waking up now and realizing they elected the wrong man eight years ago. Now might be a better time for him than ever.

franda2 said...

I think that he would make the best democratic candidate that has thought about throwing their hat in the ring. He lost a close election in 2000, and as Megan said it hit him pretty hard(the beard and the beer). If he runs I feel that he may get the most support.

D Schultz said...

Haha. Jon Stewart could make his show a 24 hour one if Al Gore ran drunk on beer and with a beard.
I don't think anyone with a beard can win an election these days... hmm.

Martinez said...

It sounds like Al could be a good contender, but the problem of reverting back to who he was (uptight, scared to lose candidat)is going to come out when he has the presidency on the line. Its easy to be carefree when your making movies and writing books, but when you are running for president every move is inspected under a microscope. I hope he runs. His ideas about Iraq are slowly coming true, and even republican voters might be able to see the light this time around. What is the comment by Carville about the African American vote? Did I miss something? Why is he not appealing to the african american vote? any ideas?

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