This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Congress Expands Scope of Inquiries Into Justice Department Practices and Politics

This week Congress heard accounts from members of the Justice Department that acknowledged mistakes were made in relation to the F.B.I.'s mishandling of national security letters that were used to gain important information without judicial oversight. This article itself is an example of congressional oversight as the legislative branch puts pressure on the Justice Department in addition to the questions they have already raised concerning Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' specific involvement in the firing of eight U.S attorneys. As the media alerted the public about the questionable firings of the eight attorneys, Congress utilized fire alarm oversight to investigate the matter and is taking a similar step in this incident concerning the national security letters. Congress's criticisms of Attorney General Gonzales are a part of their larger discontent with Bush administration.

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