This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Dems optimistic about Iraq plan passage

Dems are pushing for a bill that would have us out of Iraq in under two years, but with house republicans and the White house standing united in opposition, the bill has little chance of success. Of course good ol' Dick Cheney threw his two cents, saying that the bill only empowers the "enemy" by telling them the date in which we plan on pulling out.

1 comment:

deborahmweigel said...

Whether or not you respect Cheney, as you seem not to, I agree with him, that the date will tell the enemies just how long to wait until completely seizing Iraq, its pure common sense. As I agree that we went about things the wrong way etc. we are over there now and there is no turning back. We need to finish the job we started and we hear many people screaming to bring our troops home, yet we do NOT see any outcry or rebellion from the military whatsoever. Personally, My friends that have been over there for over a year or more tours, think we should stay there, and that is enough for me. By making a date to pull out, we are not supporting our troops and we are not instilling faith in their courage. I cannot stand when people say they support the troops and not the war.

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