This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Ted Kennedy Talks: Do I Listen??

There is an interesting article in today's Washington Post by that great lunatic from the left, none other than our friendly Ted Kennedy. Now, normally I don't put much stock by his "wisdom", but this article clearly does spell out that the Democrats are going to re-establish the balance of power in Washington. It's about time! Unfortunatly this bit of wisdom didn't come from someone a bit more credible than the most notorious drunk in D.C. This new Congress is going to hold Georgie's little behind to the fire on the numerous debacles that seem to follow his administration, but that is exactly what the Congess is supposed to do. It was never intended to be a rubber stamp for every idiotic idea that came from the White House, but since January of 2001 it has been --until now. Way to go Teddy! For once you are dead right.

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