This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.
Ermarks or Local Investment
Bush pressures Congress
The most interesting of the items seemed to be the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). It appears that Bush is concerned about Americans being able to stay in their homes, and that Congress needs to "modernize" the FHA to help people out. I haven't heard much about this yet, but it will be interesting to see what progress Congress will make on this issue, and if it'll be too late for many Americans to stay in their homes.
Unforseen Consequences: Pelosi's Worried About Cash
It seems as though the party apparatus of the Democrats is growing a bit antsy with this year's presidential race. Howard Dean warned the candidates earlier on this week, now, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is worried about how the heated race for the Democratic presidential nominee may hurt Democratic candidates for congress.
In a direct mail piece launched by the DCCC [Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee], Speaker Pelosi urges donors not to let the presidential nomination race hurt congressional candidates. Pelosi's plea comes after she received letters from top Clinton donors lambasting her for comments made regarding super-delegates role in the nomination process.
The events of the past week are only more evidence as to why this race is not going to, at least not on the face, strengthen the Democrats. We seem to hear from party insiders and politicos that this will only energize votes from the left, but as we can see there are some unforseen consequences of these 'intra-party' battles.
At least Republicans acknowledged the fact that a long, arduous nomination race would do damage to the party, and possibly lead to lower turnout.
Presidential and Congressional
So in Congressional news, I find it a little frustrating with all these scandals surrounding infidelity. I'm not in any way encouraging people to cheat on their spouses, but I think that there are better reasons for a politician to resign. After all, if a someone does that but still a good politican who does what is best for the people he represents, then I think he should be allowed to remain. You think that after everything that Bush and his ilk have put this country through, people would be able to keep things in perspective.
Clinton and her "Revelation"
Clinton Unveils Plan to Ease Housing Crisis
The Chronicle of Higher Education published an article about the record number of earmarks members of Congress are granting to colleges/universities. This year alone, 2,306 earmarks were given to 920 institutions. Most of the earmarks were directed towards scientific research at the institutions. An interesting fact in this article is the earmarked money for colleges of Clinton, Obama, and McCain. Clinton has had 21 earmarks, Obama 10 earmarks, and McCain no earmarks. Although this may not be a key issue, I think that it shows how important they think academic research is for the U.S.
Sensenbrenner gets TOUGH on China
I generally feel that it is laughable for an individual congress member
attempt to shape foreign policy, his reason for being in South Asia is quite cool and uncharacteristic of his republican roots and district; an international congressional
delegation on global warming. It's a joint delegation with the UK and
India, in which Sensenbrenner is the most senior Republican on board. Being orginally from Sensenbrenner's district, I can't ever remember global warming being a political topic that concerned Waukesha republicans. Either Sensenbrenner is acting like a trustee or there has been a shift in political perception out there in the 'Sha.
Local making political ads for unique congress candidates
Here's the Youtube link to some of the ads:
I'd have a beer with him.
Eliot Spitzer's successor admits to having affairs
Congress "disconnected"
At least the House of Representatives is defying the Administration and refusing to give immunity to communications companies. And naturally all the major Democratic candidates are behind it. Some good news, even if all o fit seems to be mostly for image's sake. Now we'll see if it can pass in the more conservative Senate.
And it also seems like they're going to retire Bush's tax cuts. Maybe we won't have another Great Depression after all; I'm hoping this is one of those things the media is exaggerating.
Moratorium on State Earmarks Near
John McCain's inconsistent voting record

The buzz on the blogs today seems to be about John McCain's voting record, which is singularly distinguished by inconsistency when compared to his peers. It seems whether we see this as a sign of strength ("he's a maverick!") or a sign of weakness ("he's a flip-flopper!") will be an important object for spin in the months ahead.
House Creates New Panel On Ethics
Suicide doctor plans congressional run
Rep. King comments
Rep. King (R-IA) stated yesterday how "happy" terrorists will be if Obama is elected president. This is mostly because the terrorists would view this war on terror as a victory. Obama responded by stating that he feels the opposite way of King's comments, and he feels keeping troops in Iraq (which McCain is suggesting) will have the affect on terrorists that King is suggesting. I do not know if King was right when he said this about Obama, but it definitely makes people question what is going to happen with terrorists if a Democratic president is elected.
value of presidency
House lawsuit
The House Judiciary Committee filed lawsuits, regarding the firing of 9 U.S. Attorneys, against White House Counsel Harriet Miers and White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten. The filing explains how Miers and Bolten refused to appear before the House Judiciary Committee and to provide important documents. It was questionable if Miers and Bolten would be prosecuted for contempt of Congress, but U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey said that “the noncompliance by Mr. Bolten and Ms. Miers with the Judiciary Committee subpoenas did not constitute a crime.”
Personally, I think that they did commit a crime. They refused to comply with the House Judiciary Committee. It gives me the impression that when White House staff “commits a crime” they merely get a slap on the wrist. Nancy Pelosi stated in the article also that this decision undermines public confidence in our criminal justice system.
Results From the Illinois 14th
Bush Vetoed Waterboarding Bill
veto in his career, however the last 8 have come all within the last
year. Obviously, his ideal point as an agenda setter is outside the
tastes of Congress at this moment. However Congress lacks the votes to
override and it seems that with the expansion of executive powers, even
if they didprohibit it the practice would likely still be used. Legicide.
the battle over earmarks
CEOs defend pay
Today the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee heard testimony from three corporate executives dealing with how they keep reeling in millions of dollars while contributing to the subprime mortgage crisis that has their companies losing hundreds of millions of dollars. The CEOs brought in were Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide Financial Corp.; Stanley O'Neal, formerly of Merrill Lynch & Co; and Charles Prince, formerly of Citigroup Inc.. Mozilo argued that “As our company did well, I did well, but when our company did not do well, as in 2007, my direct compensation and the value of my holdings declined materially, which is as it should be”. The problem that he is not seeing though is that even when his company has a down year he is still making around seven figures probably. For instance Mozilo’s company lost 1.2 billion in the third quarter of 2007 then proceeded to lose another 422 million in the 4th quarter. Yet with all of this he still earned a 1.9 million dollar salary, $20 million in stock awards, and then sold another $121 million in stock. While its obvious a CEO of a fortune 500 company is going to make a very large amount of money, they shouldn’t be getting rewarded, especially when their companies are contributing to the
Response to toy recall
On Thursday the Senate passed legislation that would toughen inspections of toys and other child playthings that are made out of the
Consumer Protection Agency
Democrats Hoping For 60 Senate Seats
Le Air Force?
The contract in question is worth billions of dollars (35) and countless numbers of factory jobs, so, the politicians indignation is understandable.
However, righteous anger does ring a tad shallow when you consider that, while the Congressman are upset over the loss of American jobs, they're more upset that the jobs lost are jobs from their own District.
What is particularly interesting here is how on one side of the argument, the so-called "losers," Washington state Democrat Patty Murray (Boeing is based in Washington state), rail against the contract going to EADS-Northrup on the grounds of American job security. Murray argues that as a result of the Tanker Contract going to a European company, ultimately, American factory jobs will be lost and the American economy will further be weakened.
On the other side of the argument, Republican Jeff Sessions of Alabama, counters the job loss argument by pointing out all of the new jobs will be created in his home state. "INsourcing?" I didn't know the word even existed.
This is an interesting situation in the fact that's this isn't at all a Partisan issue, it's all economics. On one side, arguing against the Air Force's decision, you've got Democrat Murray and Kansas Republican Roberts, (I wonder if this may be the only issue those two will ever agree on), and on the other is Republican Sessions. This debate is not about Red vs. Blue, this one is all Green.
I found parts of this story to be an enlightening glimpse into some of the inner workings of Congress, especially the bit at the end where we hear about Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) of the Appropriations Committee considering holding back payment to the Air Force in order to stall the new Tanker Aircraft Contract.
This story recalls earlier class readings where we learned about which powers exactly does Congress have. The reporters note that, while Congress can't explicitly reverse this decision, they can in essence kill the deal by withholding the funding.
Ah, The Power of the Purse.
See also:
Special Elections Are Special...
Could Clinton, Obama become a team?
The Battle Clinton Didn't Expect
Although it will obviously be up to American voters whether they are ready to see a radical departure from the usual people you see in the White House. But I think that if the people would ever do something so unusual, it would be this election, where they obviously want a big change in general after the last eight years. The only reason that someone like Obama has gotten this far is that people don't want another politician: they want someone who will inspire them, give them hope, and bring them together. And Obama is a new face who obviously has the charisma to do so. We'll just have to see what happens in November.
More information about the Wiretap Law
I wrote a blog a little while back about a surveillance (wiretap) law that had recently expired, and Bush was trying to get the House to renew it. Representative Reyes (D-TX), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, stated yesterday that the House is moving forward with provisions regarding this bill. Reyes discussed that the bill would protect the phone companies who helped with wiretapping after 9/11. A major concern with the wiretap law is what to do with the phone companies that are already involved in lawsuits for wiretapping. Reyes stated that hopefully by the end of the week they will be able to bring the bill to a vote. It was interesting reading this article because I had previously written a blog about the wiretap bill, but it did not seem like anyone was with Bush for renewing the law. Now, however, it seems as though the House is moving forward with this issue.
Blog Archive
- Ermarks or Local Investment
- Bush pressures Congress
- Unforseen Consequences: Pelosi's Worried About Cash
- Presidential and Congressional
- Clinton and her "Revelation"
- Clinton Unveils Plan to Ease Housing Crisis
- Earmarks
- Sensenbrenner gets TOUGH on China
- Local making political ads for unique congress can...
- Eliot Spitzer's successor admits to having affairs
- Congress "disconnected"
- Ok, so I was wrong in my last post about having a ...
- House Passes Surveillance Bill
- Moratorium on State Earmarks Near
- John McCain's inconsistent voting record
- House Creates New Panel On Ethics
- Suicide doctor plans congressional run
- Rep. King comments
- value of presidency
- House lawsuit
- Results From the Illinois 14th
- Bush Vetoed Waterboarding Bill
- the battle over earmarks
- CEOs defend pay
- Response to toy recall
- Consumer Protection Agency
- Democrats Hoping For 60 Senate Seats
- Le Air Force?
- Special Elections Are Special...
- Could Clinton, Obama become a team?
- The Battle Clinton Didn't Expect
- It is going to be very interesting to see who wins...
- More information about the Wiretap Law