This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Ermarks or Local Investment

This article talks about the diffences between the members of Wisconsin's Congressional delegation. Now three of you congressional delagates including democrats Rep. Ron Kind, La Crosse, and Sen. Feingold say that they will not request any funding for special projects for this budget cycle. Both are makeing claims that any special funding is wastefull citing the hundreds of millions of dollars proposed for the bridge to nowhere. The article goes on to talk about three of the other members of your congressional delegation, Sen. Herb Kohl, who is on the senate Appropreations Committee, Rep. Obey, the chair of the House Appropreations Committee, and Rep. Kagen of Appleton, all democrats. These members of the delagtion do not agree with Sen. Feingold or Rep. Kind and claim that these special funding projects are more then just ermarks but are a way to invest money for local projects that will inturn help the people your receive this money. For example, Rep Kagen cites money he helped the people of Pestigo get to help them clean up the cities water supply. What it all comes down to is what do the voters think. Rep. Kind and Sen. Feingold think that the voters dont want wasteful govt spending and that if the fight ermarks that that might get them so affection from the voters. While Sen. Kohl and Representitves Obey and Kagen think that the voters of their districts would rather get federal money to help with local problems.

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