This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Results From the Illinois 14th

So Democrat Bill Foster has won the vacant seat from Illinois, and Barack Obama is glad because he says it was a strong message from the people of Illinois that they are "ready for change". But I think the other interesting thing about this article has to do with high-quality challengers - apparently the Republican candidate in this election, Jim Oberweis, has now spent nearly $9 million of his own money on 6 different elections in the past 6 years (including attempted runs for U.S. Senate) and STILL does not hold any elective office. Oberweis' had been airing an attack ad blasting his opponent as a tax=and-spender, containing this out-of-context quote from Foster: "There's nothing in life that you can't improve by throwing money at it." Can't wait to see how much money Oberweis throws at his own fall '08 run.

1 comment:

nsimmons said...

This is an interesting article to read considering our recent class discussions regarding incumbents campaign spending vs. challengers campaign spending. It just goes to show that Oberweis may have a lot of money, but he lacks the power and recognition factors that incumbents have.

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