This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Isn't flip flopping bad?

Watch this and you will wonder if all this theory about spacial politics actually is applied in the political arena.

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2 comments: said...
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I think the problem with this video is that both sides flip flop on the issues. Senator John Kerry was borderline absurd in his 2004 campaign for the presidency. I also think any senator who voted for the health care bill because their state got special favors, i.e Nebraska or Florida where seniors could keep Medicare advantage could be flip floppers as well. I think portraying Republicans as wafflers is disingenous because both sides waffle. I also think that Mannow is to the left as Rush Limbaugh is to the right wingers. The problem is clearly when someone states that the Republicans supported terrorist trials in United States courts, some did a lot of them did not. It is not like all Republicans flipped on the issue and some senators like John McCain often join the Democrats and then flip back to the Republicans, I noticed he was pictured a lot by her. Many republicans do not like McCain for just this reason.

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