This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Questions for Paul Ryan

Wisconsin's own Paul Ryan faces off against the New York Times's Deborah Solomon in the NYT Magazine Section's weekly Q&A feature.

5 comments: said...

I think that Paul Ryan is one of the few politicians on either side that is really committed to what he believes in. I think that Feingold is an example of someone on the other side who is his counterpart, I know that Ryan is in the house and Feingold is in the Senate. I also think that Obama's attempts to discuss Ryan's roadmap were an attempt to make him look bipartisan. I think that is this pure politics in that the president really never makes the brutal criticism, his team does. I personally think given this current economic situation everyone who has an idea that is detailed should be given consideration whether they are Republican or Democrat. If part of Ryan's plan is sound then politically Obama should take parts of it and implement them.

Jeremy said...

Heh Ryan's plan includes real cost savings. I applaud his honesty. I feel bad for him because his plan involves raising the retirement age to collect social security, and cutting medicaid and medicare. Yes, his plans will go a LONG way to balancing the long term budget. I doubt it will ever pass, tho. Heaven forbid anyone tries to cut benefits for the baby boom generation.
Old people vote.

Let me say it again. OLD PEOPLE VOTE! This plan is political suicide to support. Even though it is the right thing to do,it won't happen because the baby boomers get everything they want.

Maura Metz said...
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Maura Metz said...
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Maura Metz said...

Personally I'd like to see more depth than:

"'What do you think of the health care bill?'
'I think it’s a terrible bill.'"

To be sure, maybe they cut him off because it says the article has been condensed.

Jon, funny you mention Feingold. Both he and Ryan are from Janesville. The two recently came together to work on line-item veto legislation:

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