This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Senate Campaigns: California style.

From the NY-23 and spreading across the country, one of the biggest developing stories of the 2010 cycle is the increasing tension within GOP primaries between moderate "mainstream" Republicans and the so called "Tea Party" Activists. What is so bizzare about this ad from the Carly Fiorina U.S. Senate campaign is that she is not all that conservative herself, to run an ad like this is a pretty desperate attempt at getting the "Tea Party" vote.

This (poorly done) campaign ad may take the GOP Con vs. Moderate war to a whole new level (a great book was written about this a few years ago) While watching intra-party squabbles is fun in any party, part of me really wishes this was a parody since it is more than a little depressing that a U.S. Senate race has come to this.

Can we bring seriousness back to politics?


Maura Metz said...

It's bad if you find yourself wondering if the people who created the ad were on drugs...

I know that negative campaign ads are effective (otherwise they wouldn't use them) and I know that the average American spends very little time thinking about politics (so you have to make it memorable), but I would hope that there would be just a little bit more faith in the public. Do they truly think that people will be receptive to something so over the top? I mean, they have a grown man dressed up in a sheep-wolf costume with glowing, red eyes crawling on his hands and knees.

Plus is FCINO that catchy? That's 5 syllables man!

Jeremy said...
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Jeremy said...

I deleted my previous post due to factual errors.

I originally said she recieved a 21 million dollar golden parachutefor ruining Hewlet Packard. I was wrong...It was 45 million.
When Fiorina became CEO in July, 1999, HP's stock price was $52 per share, and when she left 5 years later in February, 2005, it was $21 per share—a loss of over 60% of the stock's value. She was fired and 20,000 people working for her were laid off. That was when the economy was booming too. She has no business running the country.

Unknown said...

To me, the best part is music. It makes me want to run in slow motion through woods.

Maura Metz said...

For those who haven't gotten enough Demon Sheep:

jniorio said...

This ad is rediculously bad. It is ammusing with the falling sheep and all but still i could not help but notice that who ever made this should get another job. Im gonna need to get in contact with some politicians who have upcoming elections and make some campaign ads for them because i know i could do a better job than that.

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