This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Tea Party to Challenge Reid?

It seems the "third party" is starting to take itself seriously after their convention in Tennessee


Unknown said...

Would this be a positive or negative development for Reid's reelection chances?

Steve Eichstadt said...

This would definitely be positive for Reid. If the Tea Party actually puts a name on the ballot, it will definitely split the Conservative vote between the Republican candidate and the Tea Party. It would seem to be in the Republican's favor to find a way to satisfy the Tea Party, in order that the votes don't get split.

Nicholas Reindl said...

If Tea Party can siphon off some angry white male voters in rural Nevada, while Reid and the Democratic machine turn out Latinos (Unionized Hotel workers in Vegas), Reid could eek out a plurality victory, although that would be a rather narrow victory for the Majority Leader of the Senate...

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