This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Economy still a factor?

Some former advisors for Bill Clinton are saying that even with an improving economy, the democrats could still be hurt by it because of the lack of improvement on the unemployment rate. So yet another variable for the mid-terms is brought up!

5 comments: said...

I think that the economy will always be a factor in elections. The poll numbers have indicated that many are concerned with the healthcare plan in large part becuase of what it might do to the ecomony and the overall debt the United States is in.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like the Democrats should really start making noise about a jobs bill or wall street regulation or something. I think that would definitely register well with voters wary about Democratic legislation and actions as the midterms come up.

Jeremy said...

I am wondering about this. Studies have shown that a vast majority of those who feel disenfranchised generally stay home. The Tea Party folks scream disenfranched voter. As loud as they are, will they turn out at the polls? said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

I don't think they are disenfranchised, they are angry.

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