This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Is obama the antichrist?

It is frightening to see the amount of distortion in republican's views of Obama and the health care bill. I think the nov elections will be extremely divisive and msnbc and fox news are licking their chops right now as a large percentage of the country spins into hysteria.

5 comments: said...

I personally believe that both parties have wingnuts. I also strongly question the legitimacy of this poll considering it was conducted on online, it does not give a representative sample of the public. I think the rhetoric on both sides of this debate has been very emotional and people maybe in the heat of their emotions make statements or take polls that do not accurately reflect their opinions. I know there is a segment of the right that does believe that obama is the anti-christ and the UN is evil and all of that. I have listened to them first hand myself. I do not however believe they make up a significant part of the republican party, just like I do not believe that most liberals think 9/11 was an inside job. These people are passionate in their beliefs and therefore maybe are more likely to take such a poll. I could be wrong, but I do not think I am.

Maura Metz said...

Wow, some of this crazy stuff you just have to laugh at!

I'm mostly curious about who decided to conduct a poll on these questions. "Is Obama the antichrist? Put the poll in the field!"

Jeremy said...

It's a reminder of what the 19th-century educator Horace Mann once too-loftily said: "Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge."

God Bless you Horace Mann... *sniffle*

Jeremy said...

Also consider that this polling data is from self identifying Republicans. It does not include the republican leaning Independants, which constitutes a large portion of those who vote republican.

A month or so ago I saw a poll that said 27% of voting age population identifies themselves as a Republican. So by my math that means that 6.48% of voting age Americans actually think Obama is the Antichrist. Thats still a scary 22,680,000 of the 350 million citizens of the US. said...

I think the emotions of moment such as the way the abortion issue was dealt with left a lot of pro-lifers absolutely furious and this poll came out around then. I think some of them are very emotional and do not believe Obama is the anti-christ they just really hate him. Finally If people thought Obama is going try to rule the world and in the process torture and starve Christians to death they would get as far away from him as possible. This is what eschatologists(people that study the end of the world as according to Revelations) believe the anti-christ is going to do. If 22,680,000 people really believe Obama is going to do this then they should be stripped of their right to vote and put in an asylum. Obama is wildly liberal he is NOT the antichrist.

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