This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Kucinich going rogue.

Okay, so as I'm sure everyone knows Dennis Kucinich, long the face of opposition to the current manifestation of the health care bill, has decided to cast his vote in favor of the bill. He's advocated the public option and recently several provisions within the bill that have been taken out. Despite this he's decided to vote for it knowing the costs it could pose to him politically and the importance of passing the bill now given dwindling momentum for such a piece of legislation.


Unknown said...

Where by "going rogue" you mean "not going rogue."

Anonymous said...

yeah, i just wanted a cooly title that was vaguely suggestive of him going against his earlier convictions. plus i thought it would be a fun juxtoposition with sarah palin considering her conservative take on everything.

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