This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

President Obama, Democrats will use reconciliation to pass health care bill if not given an up or down vote

The article details the President I believe demonstrating his inexperience in leadership. This problem cannot be solved by bullying tactics.I think the up or down vote will be painted as fraudulent by republicans and the public will believe them. I understand something needs to be done, however this is going over a cliff with the American public. The bill has popular, and solid provisions that many people can agree on, such as malpractice reform. The problem many have is that they do not want something they feel is forced on them, see the Vietnam war for an example. I am not saying that the healthcare bill is as bad as the Vietnam war, I used it as example as something major forced on the American public. Scott Brown wether you think he was a RINO or not was elected to stop this bill because many provisions are not popular, and many feel we are already in debit too much now. This bill helped elect a republican to Ted Kennedy's seat, Scott Brown signed 41 after his name during his campaign in Massachusetts. He pledged himself as the one vote to block the healthcare bill when 60 was needed. This overall bill is not popular and the American public will greatly resent having a major shift in healthcare policy passing with 51 votes. Reconciliation should not be mentioned at all for something this important. I think that this will cause a major shift in the next election toward the republicans and even more gridlock. Obama still has the power and moderate approval ratings, he can get something done but this is too much, too fast.

1 comment:

Steve Eichstadt said...

There is a definitely going to be a lot more then just healthcare reform riding on this bill. It will have long lasting impacts if it is passed in several areas: mid-term elections, national budget (more debt), and of course changes in the health care system. Obama definitely seems to be looking at this as his Presidential legacy, for better or for worse.

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