This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Rasmussen Poll on Health care plan

This is a poll that discusses several different factors with regard to the health care plan. I think they clearly define why this bill may cost some politicians their careers. The article has several polls, one discusses that 50% would be more likely to vote against someone who voted in favor of the bill. The polls also show that 57% believe that the plan will hurt the economy and many also believe that this plan will cost more than is estimated. Large numbers are also against any reduction in funding for medicare, and by 2014 this plan if it stays on track will force everyone to purchase health insurance, that provision is not popular. My final thought on healthcare is that many will question how the no votes became yes votes in recent days, and how much were they given in bribes to change their vote. The problem is that healthcare can be improved and the cost lowered, but nothing I have seen in this plan will accomplish that. I hope I am wrong, but I do not think that I am.


Unknown said...

As we discussed in class, it's difficult to read national polls on policy as a way to predict electoral outcomes. Most of the voters opposed to the Democrat's healthcare reform aren't going to vote for Democrats in 2010 no matter what.

See this partisan breakdown of support/opposition. said...

I think that you are right that many people who oppose this reform also would not vote for a democrat as well. I however think that Republicans will rally their base and probably have a strong turnout however. This election season will come down to two factors I believe. The Republicans will paint the Democrats as power mad socialists who have nationalized AIG,GM, Fannie Mae and Freddie mac in under one year. The democrats will try to claim under extreme pressure and opposition they actually fixed healthcare ands saved the economy with the Stimulus package. Finally I think most people do not know where to get accurate information about the healthcare and are therefore scared of it. I personally have heard everything from this will ruin healthcare forever to this reform will save thousands of lives by aiding them in getting insurance.

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