This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Oh, the Buffett Rule

This article speaks to Obama's pressure on Congress to pass the "Buffet Rule" and strive for economic fairness in the United States. The article suggests that Republicans believe this is a "gimmick"being pulled by Democrats to reel in voters. Although I am probably the farthest from Republican, I have a similar vantage point. When it comes to money, both Republican  and Democratic politicians  tend to be wealthy and I tend to believe there really isn't a dichotomous ideology per party on this subject. This concept is reflected in the article when it mentioned that two republicans voted for the rule and four Dems voted in opposition.

1 comment:

Jacob Goehl said...

The conversation of the "Buffett Rule," I believe to be highly symbolic and an attempt to graph on the Occupy Movement to the Democratic Party from the top down. It is not a very organic or grassroots attempt to do so therefore my thoughts on it are that this will do nothing but scare some of the more centrist voters. I do not think it will benefit M.C.s who are standing reelection this year nor President Obama to keep trotting this idea out to the public. Maybe after the election cycle everyone will have more flexibility.

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