This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Committee chairman: Homeland protected 'on the cheap

In this article, a house committee chairman accused the Bush administration of protecting the United States from terrorism "on the cheap." A paper created by a panel of democrats cites Bush's inability to protect the country from terrorism. Examples cited include borders, ports, mass transit, rail, aviation, cyberspace and critical infrastructure. Throughout the article, Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff defended his department's budget plan before congressional committees claiming that there was budget was fine and that adding this extra security would require that more money be dumped into the budget.

1 comment:

GTW said...

Thats absurd, $1 billion isn't enough. Every week the war in Iraq costs the American people $2 billion, thats an average of $8 billion a month. I would think Bush would allocate a little more than $1 billion on preparing for something to happen. Maybe Bush thinks the United States is just that much more safe while most of our troops are overseas....

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