This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Doyle calls on congress to pass stem cell legislation

Gov. Jim Doyle is calling on Congress to pass legislation expanding government-financed embryonic stem cell research, despite President Bush's promise to veto it.
"I think the president's position is becoming more and more untenable," Doyle said Wednesday after meeting with Senate Democrats on the issue. "The political debate on this is over."
In response to Doyle's comments, the White House referred to a "statement of administration policy" on the stem cell legislation, which said the bill "would compel all American taxpayers to pay for research that relies on the intentional destruction of human embryos for the derivation of stem cells, overturning the president's policy that funds research without promoting such ongoing destruction."

In my personal opinion I do not believe that we should use federal money to fund such a morally controversial issue. I have no problem seeing the private sector develop this, and I believe Wisconsin would be a great place to start this. At this point in time, there are over 100 different cases that have benefited from adult stem cell research and embryonic stem cell research has yet to provide even one case, therefore it is hard to determine the affects it will have.


meganlwood said...

I agree that federal money shouldn't be used to fund an issue that is so controversial. I am one hundred percent pro-choice, yet I don't think that tax dollars should fund abortions. Stem cell research can be funded privately and those who want to partake should.

Robert Schuettpelz said...

Federal funds should not be avoided for spending simply because the issue is controversial. Stem cell research has a specific interest as far as the government is concerned.

At least, the government shouldn't pass legislation to ban the possibility of spending. Instead of bills like the No Child Left Behind Act that provide not nearly enough money for the states there should be programs like this that fund the future of this country and its current educational programs.

It does not matter that some states frown upon it. When the cure for diabetes is found, I guarantee they will change their mind. Also, if we depended on private organizations to find a cure for diabetes we would be at the point we are at today with HIV research.

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