This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Giuliani Announces He's In '08 Presidential Race

Well here is another candidate to add to the list. I think Giuliani will be a very interesting candidate to follow. If he were to make it past the primary election, which I think very unlikey due to his liberal views on social issues, it would be interesting to see two presidential candidates that have the same opinions concerning abortion and gay rights. That would sure make for stimulating arguments during the debates!


Willis said...

I liked Giuliani as a mayor, but not as a president. Although he has as good of a chance as anybody else, because they will all recycle the same types of arguements to win. Fight terrorism, reduce government, and lower taxes. All good ideas in how to run the country into the ground fiscally. On the issue of butting heads with conservatives about gay marriage, he has already started taking the high road. I support gay rights, but not when it comes to marriage. Thats like saying I support abortion rights, but not when it comes to having an abortion.

deborahmweigel said...

Republicans really need to find a hero candidate..this eras Reagan because right now most of the candidates that have emerged polarize the Republican Party. I think George Allen would have been a great candidate to unify the Republican party...but so much for that idea...

meganlwood said...

I can already see his political ads...Rudy in front of ground zero, Rudy shaking hands with firemen, Rudy with his tie askew comforing widows. The whole thing is going to be reminding America how well he led New York City after 9/11. He was a good mayor, but a President? I don't see it.

Martinez said...

I like Giuliani as a president. I think that we need the sort of leadership he displayed on 911, and since this war is going terribly maybe he is the man to pull us out. I am rather skeptical of his other policies. Mayor to president is a very big jump.

Robert Schuettpelz said...

Ahh, Giuliani. I'll say it once: If he gets the nomination, he will not lose. If McCain gets the nomination, he will not lose. Will either of them even make it that far? Doubtful.

I do not think, as Deb said, that the Republicans need to unify their party. In fact, I think they are about as unified as any party could be after their recent losses. I mean look at the small margin the Democrats won by. The Republicans have successfully set themselves as the standard for this country and the Democrats have become the responsive party.

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