This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Pelosi and the Plane

Tony Snow is an amazing press secretary, isn't he? He will not budge, he will make you look stupid for expecting him to budge, and many that thought they have gotten him to budge have actually walked out of the press conference more lost than when they entered.

Except this time, he actually budged and leaked some information on, probably, the least thing I could possibly care about as far as the haps of my representatives are concerned. All aboard!


Kierzek said...

In this instance I think Tony Snow is absolutely right in saying this is a silly story. Giving Tony Snow or any other press secretary credit hurts me a little because it usually means they've turned off the propaganda machine just for a moment. I read yesterday that it was actually Murtha requesting the plane, not Pelosi. The only problem I have with the planes is that the one that would go all the way to CA without stops costs a great deal more than the small one Hastert used to get back to IL. Pelosi says "that's fine, I'm going commercial." Potential world-threatening, dogs and cats sleeping together controversy over.

Jsobie said...

This is literally a stupid story; it is just an example between bickering between the democrats and republicans. I can understand Pelosi's point of view that she wants to go straight home to her family, as politicians really do not have a lot of free time. I think that if the air force can not give her what she wants, I can not blame her for "going commercial." I think it just so stupid for Republicans to worry about a stupid plane ride. I think they should not worry about how someone get home and worry about balancing budgets, making laws, foreign policy and the war.

meganlwood said...

At least this article didn't mention her clothes. I am sick of the first press covering her wardrobe because she is a woman. Nobody cared what Rumsfield wore. As far as the plane, she should just go commercial with a secret service agent. End of fight. Airlines are safe now right? They have to be since people can only bring one ounce of contact solution aboard.

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