This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

States and U.S. at Odds on Aid for Uninsured

Many states are saying on health care and the uninsured, "If you want something done at all, we will have to do it ourselves." Washington is lagging behind on what is growing into an even more desperate situation across the country. There is reportedly close to 47 million Americans without health insurance, and the federal government is squeezing coverage programs instead of expanding them right now. Many states are forced to take matters in their own hands because little is being done federally.


crobinson said...

The issue with healthcare in this country is a complete mess...all the money we spend on Defense, new stadiums and weight loss, and we can't put together a universal health care plan.

deborahmweigel said...

I agree with the previuos statement. We spend alot of money on the most ridiculous things that we should be able to have a health care plan. But one small point not to be overlooked. WE as consumers spend alot of money on weight loss, clothes, cars, and leisure items, that shouldnt WE have enough money to perhaps create our own health savings accounts. If we spent more of our own money helping ourselves, taxes could go down, we would keep more of our money, and be forced to make choices with our own money, instead of being taxed like crazy to pay for some people's lack of personal responsibility. For example many of today's health problems are caused by something that we can fix on our own, such as not smoking, or working out a little more and not becoming obese. Thats not to say that everyone out there makes enough money to waste, but many people do and continue to.

Jsobie said...

The Health Care System is a mess in this country. I think that we are the only developed country that does not have a universal health care system and that is absurd! There are so many people who live under the poverty level that do not have health care and I think they should have health care. Look at other countries with universal health care, such as Cuba. Cuba has one of the best universal health care systems in the world and the best doctors. Not having universal health care is a crime, considering all the possible things people could need to have done but can't afford it, for instance surgery. If someone needs surgery to survive but can not afford it, isn't it unethical not to give the person surgery just because he/she can't afford it?

deborahmweigel said...

perhaps we should have universal health care, but where would the line be drawn. What would be included? stomach aches, minor surgeries, hypochondria. I agree that people who need major surgeries should deserve to have a way to receive the care they need, but I do not think universal health care is the answer. Side note, shall we really follow an example of Cuba? give me a break. And if perhaps you are offended by that statement and you have a Che t-shirt in your closet, do some research. Che was a spoiled little rich kid who wanted to join the excitement and the thrill of bloodshed. Not to say the government in place at the time was any better but we need not take any lessons from Cuba.

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