This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Supreme Court Possible Veto Actor in Iraq Resolution

The article describes Senators Joe Biden (D-DE) and Carl Levin (D-MI)’s plan for limiting American troop involvement in Iraq. However, the provisions of the bill, if enacted, would infringe upon the Commander-in-Chief’s prerogative to set war strategy, as Congress’ constitutional role in war is to declare it (in the Senate) and to fund it (in the House). The current conservative composition of the Supreme Court is more likely to rule in favor of greater presidential authority over foreign policy. The political reality that the House will have to continue funding war equipment or be alienated from voters (at least until this goes on for another year or so, at which point the majority of the American public might not argue much against de-funding troops, but the Pentagon would still be able to dip into its overdraft funds and fund itself as an executive agency to deploy troops, putting the ball back into the House to fund the troops who the Pentagon continues to send). Most of the 29 Republicans oppose the bill and consequently are with the status quo (presidential position), which the Supreme Court approximates on this issues. Hence, any attempt this quarter to restrict the activities of the troops will ultimately lose despite the Democratic majority due to a range of disagreements about what specific provisions should and should not be preventing a potential override of a presidential veto, with the Supreme Court primed to be a veto actor given the language of the bill.

1 comment:

Jsobie said...

I think that that Congress is trying to change the status quo and dedicate to President Bush how to deploy the troops in Iraq. While I think that this is unconstitutional because the Constitution makes the President commander and chief of the armed forces, I also think that Congress is doing the right thing. We need to get out of Iraq and if Congress is going to try to take away some of Bush's constitutional power, I'm willing to live with that. Sometimes the end justifies the means.

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