This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

2008: March Money Madness

Hillary and Bill held a fundraising campaign in which attendees had to pay 1000$ to attend. She netted 2.7 million for her campaign. This amount blows me away, I guess I never really thought about how much money they actually spend to get elected. Even more astonishing is that the washington post is predicting that "the collective field could match in a single quarter the nearly $100 million that George W. Bush raised during his record-breaking primary effort two presidential cycles ago.” It doesnt seem like the thing the candidates hate the most is raising money since they are doing more than ever. Also, the article said that only finger foods were served, if I am paying a thousand dollars to hear somebody speak I had better be getting a steak.


Reidy said...

wow Bill and Hillary sure have friends in high places..1,000 dollars for a meal! I think that the amount of money that it takes to be elected president is absolutely ridiculous and could be put to far better use, especially since these are the people that continuously bitch about the deficit!

meganlwood said...

I just read in Glamour magazine, (I know, not the most intelligent source) that HIllary spent over 200,000 dollars last year in valet parking alone. They raise a lot of money but they don't always spend it on things you would think, like transportation and speech writers. Can voters write off campaign contributions as tax deductions? Just curious.

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