This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

A Brave New World of Political Skulduggery?

This article greatly coincides with our lecture on campaign advertisements and the growing influence of internet advertisements. Here is a scenario in which a person made amd anti-Clinton video and posted it on YouTube. He flashed Obama's campaign website at the end, suggesting that Obama was in some way connected with the video. This ad has now been viewed more than 2 million times. I think this is just one of many situations in which the internet is going to play a huge role in informing people and influencing them in regards to the upcoming elections.


GTW said...

I will agree with you that the internet will become more than ever an important factor in elections. Unfortunatley there are many setbacks to the internet being an influencial factor. One of which is the fact that only parts of the population have access to the internet, another setback to using the internet as a source, is the fact that much of the information on the internet is not validated. The educated web-server can sometimes distiguish "good" information however I would say a fair amount of the people using the internet are not educated, nor can they tell the difference between "good" and "bad" information. This could have an adverse affect on the democatic process.

Martinez said...

I thought it was pretty funny. Hey man, we got the right as americans to post whatever we want on the intraweb. If people cant distinguish truth from not, that is there problem. I think that politicians should exploit this weakness, and use it aganist there opponents.

deborahmweigel said...
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franda2 said...

The internet is going to take over the world. One day everything that we do will have something to do with the internet. Sometime in the future you will probably be able to vote over the internet, so why not start to campaign early. I have a feeling in the begging it will something that has alot of bugs to work out, but should possibly be able to get more people to vote.

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