This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Dems Demand more Cash

This is a really good example of what we have talked about in class. We learned that elections that tend to be really close spends more money. In other words, if there is serious a challenger and incumbents spend lots of money. Now, because the Democrats have taken over Congress, the House democratic leaders are asking their colleagues to cough up $155 million for campaign operations. That sounds to me like the Democrats are expecting to have a very close races. This has received some criticism as people's ideal points differ on how much more money is needed. Even more Democrats like, Diane E. Watson, have pointed out that raising that much money is a full time job and takes away from the time Congress people spend in Congress. I see this as driving a small rift through the Democratic party.

1 comment:

franda2 said...

If only congress would spend as much time on things that are worth while to their constituents, as they do in raising money for their party, they could actually get something accomplished. 100 million dollars a year goes a long way. You could repair hospitals, schools, transit systems, etc.

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