This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Republicans United in Opposition?

This is an interesting article on the conservative and moderate factions within the Republican party attempting to put differences aside to defeat the Democrats in 2008. What's that you say? Wall Street and Main Street working together again after a decade of Wall Street domination? Realistically, their ideal points are still closer to each other than to the Democrats, so this does make sense. However, they do occupy very different positions on certain issues. So, can it work? Maybe, but it means a move to the middle. I argue that they have been trying this since Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy Giuliani for President. Giuliani holds positions on gay-rights and abortion rights that do not jive with the Christian right, and in any other campaign, would have meant the tele-evangelists on the attack. Hypocrisy? Absolutely! But they need somebody they think can win.


Christopher Thompson said...

This is a great example of coalitions within political parties and how they must agree to work together in order to offer a meaningful opposition to other political parties.

deborahmweigel said...

Guilani is not as backed by republicans as one may think. His social issues are going to hurt him dramatically in the republican primary. While attending this years Conservative Political Action Conference, it is clear that Mitt Romney, although mormon, is going to give Guilani a run for his money. As for electability, somehow Romney even got democrats to vote for him.

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