This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Scooter Libby

So, Libby was found guilty. He faces up to ten years in prison. I totally agree that he was guilty and am amazed that something was done about it. My big question is, what about the guy who actually leaked the name? Dick Cheney. Why hasn't he been brought up on charges?


Martinez said...

The real question now is if that sneaky child president of ours will pardon him.

deborahmweigel said...

unfortunately, a lot of times, and often times, one person has to/ decides to..take the fall for everyone else. I dont believe it will ever come out as to what really happened, although libby could make quite the best selling book out of this whole situation, and I suggest he do just that. As for Bush pardoning him, I believe that he will definitely iniate that, although I think he will wait until his term is just about over.

crobinson said...

I don't think Cheney was the only one who told Libby the info about Plame, I think he heard that info from a few sources.

He didn't get convicted for the actual leak I don't think, he got convicted for lying about how he got the information

deborahmweigel said...

yeah thats correct. He got convicted for the lying part.

Kierzek said...

Lying will do that to you, when it's under oath. I think Deborah is absolutely correct in saying that Bush might pardon Libby just at the tail-end of his presidency. It's an interesting situation that doesn't happen very often. We're witnessing American history here.

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