This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Auto Workers Union to Delay Endorsement of Democratic Candidate

The UAW has come out to say that they will not endorse a candidate until one os clearly the nominee. Funny how Democrats are always Pro-Union when they need money. I seem to recall that it was a Democratic Congress that ratified NAFTA after Bill Clinton became President. Also with Obama promising to raise taxes if elected, I don't see how a Union can endorse him. People will have less money to buy things, leading to less profits, less production, and more job losses. Either way it's simply LOSE-LOSE.


Dani Mattek said...

I guess I'm a little confused by the intro to this article. The UAW's decision to not endorse a candidate before the convention has nothing to do with them NOT supporting a democratic candidate. They simply don't want to split people in their group. And this whole Obama raising taxes so a Union cannot endorse him thing? I think a little more research has to be done showing what Democrats have done for Unions...maybe a look at the UAW's website would be helpful. It discusses what the Democratic 110th Congress has done and what they support including a higher minimum wage, more affordable health care, etc. There is a helpful portion about taxes in there as well. As far as Barack Obama goes, his agenda on taxes includes a tax CUT for working families and the middle class. The tax cuts imposed by the Bush administration go to those who earn over $1 million and the cut is nearly 160 times more than the cut received by those in the middle class. Either way, the deficit is somewhere around $9.2 do you suggest we resolve this without a tax hike? Especially with an incredibly expensive war with, seemingly, no end in sight. Any workable suggestion is welcome...I don't like taxes anymore than you do...but I do see their importance.

MSULEJIC said...

First off the debt is about $5 trillion, not 9.2. Next my Dad is a member of the UAW, and raising the minimum wage did nothing for him. Your next point of making health care more affordable is laughable at best. I have seen my dad have to pay more thanks to his "strong" union. As for the tax cuts, they go to the people that perhaps pay them, big surprise there. Not to mention the Bush tax cuts raised the amount of people that pay NO taxes, let's say that again raised the amount of people that pay NO taxes. Even though some in Congress these people should get a rebate for paying nothing in, but that is another issue. Like President Bush said, if you want to pay more, send a check or money order to the IRS, I know I pay enough and my parents pay way more than enough.

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