This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

The Stimulus Bill.

This piece is slightly outdated, however, I consider it a very good example of the Median Voter Theory (MVT) that we'd looked at earlier in the semester.

The article deals with the (at the time) differing versions of the Economic Stimulus Package that was developing in Congress.

As the article states, The House of Representatives and The White House crafted a bill that would cost $146 billion. It was then sent over to The Senate who countered with a $158 billion version of their own.

The House and The White House wanted "X," and The Senate wanted "Y." Now it is time for everyone to sit down and hash out the particulars and push the bill through.

Farther down the article is the section headed "What's in the Senate version?" Here we see the specific differences the Senate bill addresses.

I will do some more digging to find an article that illustrates more precisely what the final, agreed upon Stimulus Bill contains.

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