This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Senate passes passes stimulus bill

Today the Senate passed a bill that will send approximately $170 billion dollars in rebate checks out to the American public. Now with both houses passing the bill and the president already saying he supports the bill, this looks as though it is really going to happen. The main hope from passing this bill is to help out the declining American economy. However I don’t know if this bill will have the effect everyone wants. Government officials are banking on the idea that with those rebate checks many Americans will start spending more. That may not happen though, many Americans may elect just to save or pay off debts with that money. There will probably be a small boost in the economy from the rebate checks but I don’t know if there will be a big enough boost to reach the goals of those who passed the bill.

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