This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Recession Would Work in Democrats’ Favor

Many say our economy is about to enter into a recession lasting into the summer. Usually this would not be good news, but because the presidential elections are approaching the Democrats are using this news to their advantage. Most likely people will blame the state of the eonomy on the Republicans. With a recession comes higher unemployment rates which the Demcrats will be sure to grab onto saying they can change that. The Democrats' challenge is to not scare voters into believing our economy is about to enter terrible times.

1 comment:

MSULEJIC said...

The Democrats cannot win on their agenda so they wish misery on the people of the nation. I mean who would vote for higher taxes, rationed health care, liscenses for illegal immigrants, and rationed health care? I would not and would hope that many other would not either, but then again some Americans don't care about issues and will do what Oprah tells them to do.

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