This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

House lawsuit

The House Judiciary Committee filed lawsuits, regarding the firing of 9 U.S. Attorneys, against White House Counsel Harriet Miers and White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten. The filing explains how Miers and Bolten refused to appear before the House Judiciary Committee and to provide important documents. It was questionable if Miers and Bolten would be prosecuted for contempt of Congress, but U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey said that “the noncompliance by Mr. Bolten and Ms. Miers with the Judiciary Committee subpoenas did not constitute a crime.”

Personally, I think that they did commit a crime. They refused to comply with the House Judiciary Committee. It gives me the impression that when White House staff “commits a crime” they merely get a slap on the wrist. Nancy Pelosi stated in the article also that this decision undermines public confidence in our criminal justice system.


MSULEJIC said...

Once again Us Attorney's serve at the pleasure of the President, and may be fired at any time, for any reason. No surprise this is a Presidential Election year, in which one side wishes to show they are morally superior to the other side. As stated here before, Clinton all US Attorneys upon taking office, should we investigate that now too? Congress and the Senate should do real work on the economy, war on terror, and confirming judges, ns stop grandstanding like this.

Jodie Bensman said...

I dont think it's about moral superiority as much as accountability. All these investigations going on seem to have the same ending. We cant talk about that because it's under investigation. If you can fire attorneys for any reason, just say that and be done, but dont say I cant talk about it because blah blah blah...

Justin McKilligin said...

I find it interesting that the entire government is all gung hoe about trying to investigate steroids in baseball or cheating in football. However when it comes down to something with in congress's own walls it all of a suddens becomes hush hush.

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