This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Bush Scolds Congress Over Expiring Eavesdropping Bill

Some Democrats never learn, just like Bill Clinton, maybe we should just stick our head in the sand and hope nothing happens. It worked for Clinton, afterall he did nothing but small scale strikes that amounted to nothing but distract people from his many affairs. Maybe the Democrats can go back to bullying smaller nations like Serbia, but wait Bush beat him to it today, so I guess they have nothing do do other than make this nation more vunerable to attack. After my people were stabbed in the back again by our "Allies" I don't blame them either.

1 comment:

Dani Mattek said...

Thank God that someone is finally standing up to President Bush and his scare tactics. Here is a line from his radio address scolding the House Democrats..."Because Congress failed to act, it will be harder for our government to keep you safe from terrorist attack." ARE WE KIDDING!? If that isn't a line intentionally scaring the public to get ahead politically (something that isn't new for this Administration) I don't know what is. Congress was willing to pass a temporary extension of the PAA so they could complete their work on the legislation but the PRESIDENT is the one who wouldn't have it unless it included immunity for the telecommunications companies. Why not let Congress have the time to put together a solid bill instead of ramming an incomplete one through? Unwilling to compromise, even a little, the President continues to point fingers and use his same fear mongering tactics. Is immunity for these companies, guilty of aiding in illegal wiretapping, really more important than the American security Bush is so adamant about? Even after the PAA expires, the orders issued under it will remain in place for up to a year. Is the American public really buying these scare tactics anymore? After all this time? I guess some people are...

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