This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

MPS gets $13 million in grants

I really think it is great that the federal government is making it known that it does realize the problems that we face in Milwaukee with our children. Its great to see that we are not spending all of our money in wars like Iraq or on investigations in congress on sports matters that really do not belong in the governmnent. I really hope this grant will make the program run in a way that will allow the program to continue working even if the grant does not get re-issued. To many times we see grants come into to local areas, work while the grant is being used and then when the grant is over the community is in the same way it was in before the grant came around.


Sally H. said...

I'm really glad to see that MPS is receiving that kind of money. Not only the fact that my brother works for the central services department at the headquarters,and tells me all about the funding problems, but I used to go to MPS in grade school, and then transfered to a suburban school. MPS doesn't really have a lot to work with in terms of funding, and supplies, while surburban schools really have it all. So, it is a good opportunity for some kids who really want to learn and receive the education that other schools can afford to give.

MSULEJIC said...

Yet another waste of money for MPS! Enrollment with MPS is down, gradaution rates are falling, and we throw more money at it like that will solve the problem. MPS have a budget of about $1 Billion dollars, with about 70% of that coming from the state. The problem is not a lack of money, rather than what the money is being spent on. If more of the money already spent on MPS went towards instruction and supplies rather than fringe benefits, and trips for pricipals and administrators things would be better. More money will not make kids come to school, or ensure that those there want to learn. What we need is to allow kids to go to school's they want, and let the state aid go with them. This would ensure bad schools close, and the good one's stay open. But the the Democrats doing whatever the teachers union want this will never happen and MPS will continue to be a failure.

Katie Witterholt said...

There is something to be said about federal grants. As far as Mps goes, I begin to wonder why they are trying to get this money to develop all of these special "metal" programs allowing the childern to be better guided. My question is, who is going to run these programs, they may get the money from the feds but they still need teachers to teach them. The system is so far beyond repair, and with progamming being cut and teachers laid off, there is going to be nothing left to fight for. Budgets should have been overlooked a long time ago, before things got to this point. Just like Milwaukee county budget on roads, there is little hope to repair all the roads out of town.

Kaila said...

I think this program sounds like a good idea. It seems to teach students life skills, such as how to deal with emotions, that they may be not be learning at home. I think the biggest success that has come from these grants is that people are finally taking action on Milwaukee's failing school systems.

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