This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

WI Votes...February 19th

If you would have asked almost anyone a few months ago whether or not the Wisconsin primary would even matter in deciding the nominations, most people would have said no...including me. I knew the elections (especially the on the Democrat side of things) would be close, but I didn't foresee a virtual tie resulting post-Super Tuesday. This article takes a look at how our state is gearing up for possible record-breaking turn out next Tuesday. Milwaukee has ordered enough ballots to support a 75% turnout and is staffing around 300 more poll workers than normal. These are important preparations because despite Wisconsin's relatively late primary, we have always had a high turnout. This could have something to do with our same day registration. The article also discusses the 50% turnout that set the record for Wisconsin in 1960 when JFK received the nomination. Could this be another 1960?

If anyone has questions about where you vote, how you register or anything like that, I found this website helpful...


Justin McKilligin said...

I am glad to see that the primary in Wisconsin is really going to play a key part in the deciding factor. I believe however we have seen this many times before with Wisconsin in presedential elections. It appears every time in my point of view, in which you hear the media stating that Wisconsin is a key state to win since it is such a swing state. If Wisconsin did was not going to play a key player in this primary I would hope government officials would look at the cost effectivess of it then.

M Bluethman said...

So you'd want them to shut the election down if the CNN or MSNBC delegate count said the nominations were sewn up? Huh? Am I reading that right?

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