This is a class blog for the students of POLSCI 426: Congressional Politics at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Cheney backs Limbaugh over Powell on GOP future

Cheney favors Limbaugh over Powel in terms of GOP future. In one way this add to partisianship that helps the republicans build a more distinct name brand. On the other hand Limbaugh's politics will no doubt alienate some moderate conservatives. Would the benifits of a more Limbaugh leaning ideollogy lead to a more disicnt republican name brand help or hurt the party? It seems like to me that alienating moderate conservatives is the last thing the GOP needs to do.

What should be the issue?

It should not be about politics when talking about the use of torture. Whether Speaker Pelosi knew of waterboarding techniques or not should not be of issue. What should be of issue is how reactionary some of the measures that almost all of our citizens were ready to stomach to respond to terrorism in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and take a look at ourselves at as a nation nearly eight years later and determine whether we are taking the most effective approaches in dealing with and preventing terrorism while continuing to not only follow basic American principles like not torturing people and whether we are following internationally recognized agreements like the Geneva Accords.

The Current Committee System

A good cool-down for the semester. A full list of rules for the process of committee assignments per party, referrals, jurisdictions, rules for waivers for exclusive committees, as hoc mechanisms, and procedures. Cool stuff for those who are political junkies and want to know more about how the assignment and referral system works. All of this is directly from the House website. Enjoy the summer!

In regards to subcommittees: "From a 1950 low of 125 subcommittees of House and Senate standing committees, the number increased to a high of 271 in 1975."

U.S. House Passes "hate crime" bill that Bush opposed

In the hustle and bustle of Washington, we sometimes forget to look at the bread and butter of what goes on there. Though Arlen Specter's party-switch is definitely significant, I prefer to look at good old fashioned law-making. Here we have a story discussing visible policy shifts from administration to administration. Hate crime legislation has always been a hot-button issue in American political circles, and it seems we might see the debate's first major development in a long time.

How It Came Down to This: 244 Democrats, 0 Republicans

An interesting article about moderates and bipartisanship

Specter: I'm not an automatic 60th vote

More fallout and reaction to the big news of the day.

An you all thought my gallery of party switchers was a bad a idea....

Shift of Power

The switch by Specter will allow him to gain traction within the Democratic Party leading up to 2010 and allow him to raise campaign finances much more easy along with not having to answer a litany of questions from reporters every time he votes with the Democrats.

A rare event with potentially huge impact

I am conjuring up a vision of United States congressmen as single-minded seekers of reelection.

Arlen Specter to convert to Democratic Party!

Wow! CNN just reported that Arlen Specter will join the Democrats (no link yet, but hopefully this story will flesh out soon). This is huge news. He will most likely remain fairly conservative, but what a smack in the face of the Republican party. Also, considering he is up for reelection in 2010, do you think this move will help or hurt his reelection chances? Will any Democrats run against him in the primary?

Clinton says U.S. no longer AWOL on climate changeStory Highlights

The US, EU, and 15 other nations will meet in a prepatory session before a UN meeting in December. The goal will be to replace the Kyoto Treaty which expires in 2012.

Lawmakers Arrested

I guess those who make the law are not about the law. Five lawmakers from different parts of the country are arrested while protesting the expulsion of aid groups in Darfur in front of the Sudanese Embassy.

New York's 20th District Seat Finally Filled

Not as dramatic as the MN Senate race, but it took four weeks to finally decide a winner for NY-20 Congressional District. In a continuation of the results from the 2008 elections, Republicans are still on the losing end, even in a district they held for decades.

Measuring success in the first 100 days of the 111th

The first 100 days is apparently not only a measure for Presidential success, but for Congressional success as well. The 111th Congress has undergone some of the most activity since the 1930's (although without the same level of success) and still has more on the agenda.

The new Congress, led by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, have had to deal with crisis management in an economic period of unrest. From bailing out banks, TARP, investigating CEO bonus pay, and passing the largest stimulus in history, the real work has yet to be done.

Language has always been key in the fight on the Hill, especially when talking about "stimulus" which was branded a "spending bill" by Congressional GOP'ers. On the other side, the "stimulus" was a "Recovery Act" to Democrats. Congress seems to be as hyperpartisan as always, as seen in the passage of said stimulus in the House of Representatives, where it made it through without a single Republican vote supporting it.  

"And while the first 100 days saw unprecedented new spending, an extension of health insurance for children, and new employee rights in wage discrimination cases, most votes and debates followed party lines. One thing Congress has not achieved in this first 100 days is clear: that much talked about spirit of bipartisanship."

  1. With more on the agenda, such as the reforms in the health care system, how long can President Obama expect to have the same level of support now that his first 100 days are coming to a close?
  2. Do you feel that "the first 100 days" is even a valid measure in modern politics, considering it was first used by FDR after his election in 1933?
  3. Can Congressional Democrats hold the reigns of power long enough to pass the projects they have waited years to push (such as education reform, a new energy policy, universal health care, etc.)?

Democrats push for investigations into interrogation

Democrats in both chambers of Congress are beginning to push for investigations into whether or not the Bush administration used illegal techniques when questioning detainees who were suspected of terrorism, and whether or not criminal charges are in order. Senator Carl Levin, the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is leading the charge in pressuring the Obama administration to do more.

President Obama stated earlier that he will not seek charges against any CIA official who was found to have used the techniques in question (possibly to keep good relations with the intelligence community, who he desperately needs the support), and has said that he is open to charges against those who drafted the policies in question (the Bush administration lawyers and policy makers). However, he has deferred this power to his Attorney General, Eric Holder. Republicans in Congress are claiming that this is simply a move to settle old political scores, and this type of action does no good for the country. And of course, Joe Lieberman is opposed to looking into any misdeeds that the Bush administration may have committed.
  1. Should Democrats investigate the former administration for possibly breaking the law? Would such an investigation help or harm the DNC nationally?
  2. How far should the investigation go? If it turns out that orders came from President Bush, should he be held accountable for violating any laws?
  3. When comparing the investigation of Bill Clinton to the possible investigation of George W. Bush, have the Republicans already forgotten about their personal political score settling?

House Heavyweight Feels Threat to Power

More scandals brewing. Money & politics, two great tastes that taste even better together.

John Murtha:

If I am corrupt it is because I take care of my district.

Congress, interest groups gear up for highway bill

As discussed in class on Wednesday, lobbyist groups spend large amounts of money advocating to legislators for their causes. With that said, I think many of these groups should start investing more of their money into the actual implementation of their desired projects. I realize that some groups do in fact donate money to such funds, but think that their money would be more wisely spent if they directed their money towards their projects' implementation, rather than using their resources to "buy off' legislators. Personally, I think that with the public's growing distrust in Congress' relations with lobbyist groups, having these groups show that their money is going directly the execution of such a project instead of paying for a Congressman's fine dining bill or luxury vacation would sway the public to rally more favorably towards their cause. I think that plenty of people would favor Congress' decision to pass a $470 billion dollar program to re-vamp the transportation system, if they were to know that the special interest groups advocating the project, were actually going to be paying for a substantial part of the bill. Sure, this course of action would not give legislators the exclusive "perks" they seem to enjoy, but if the public had a more positive view on Congress' actions, maybe this could persuade voters to keep them in office.

Fundraising Shows Cantor’s Growing Clout Within GOP

Someone's arrived:

House Republican Whip Eric Cantor ’s monster first-quarter campaign finance report is no more remarkable for its impressive bottom line — $963,900 — than for what it says about his exploding share of Republican fundraising clout.

Guantanamo Bay

Why does it seem to suddenly be an issue for Congress to decide. If my memory serves me correctly the Bush administration was free to dictate the creation and implementation of Gitmo. Now, it seems as though Congress wants its say in deciding what will happen with the terrorist prison. What seems to be the reason for the switch, the change in party in the White House, or new sentiments over who has the authority to decide what haooens to these prisoners? Weigh in...

Kohl now leaning moderate

Senator herb Kohl is now joining a coalition of 15 Democrats who are committed to be more fiscally responsible. Kohl Said that he wants to be more responsible because he fears that some initiatives being put out there that could hurt Wisconsinites. With the senate being a super majoritarian institution, this kind of coalition could hurt the more liberal dems. Kohl is specifically against the cap and trade measure that could raise energy bills on coal burning states like Wisconsin. Both him and Sen. Feingold voted against the measure.

Overview: Congress Works Toward Energy Compromise

A first -ever cap and trade system is in sight. Some interesting obstacles to success: getting moderate Dems on board, mitigating externalities of a the new policy(In terms of higher energy costs) , will the rest of the industrialised world get down on this and how are will this policy be enforced?

Nate Silver explains why Congressional elections are rarely well contested

Gov. Rick Perry (TX) talking about secessation

Some perspectives from bloggers on Rick Perry insinuating that Texas may secede. Matthew Yglesias makes an interesting point about Congress, however:
One advantage of large-scale secession of the most conservative states is that it would be a lot easier to pass progressive legislation. An aspect of Civil War history that people don’t tend to appreciate is that the temporary departure of the Dixie bloc of Senators allowed a huge flowering of legislative activity that wouldn’t otherwise have been possible. In addition to prosecuting the war, the Lincoln-era GOP took sweeping action on industrial policy, infrastructure, land reform, etc. much of which would have been extraordinarily difficult to accomplish had the southerners just stayed in their seats and used the considerable levers of obstruction that are available to legislative minorities.

Cornyn Endorsing Specter

Apparently the GOP realizes that a super-conservative can't win a Senate seat in Pennsylvania. Specter is still looking to be on shaky ground, however.

Pirates vow to kill U.S., French sailors

Somali Pirates weren't vary happy when SEAL snipers took out three of their buddies. They vowed to use harsher tactics with Amercian and French hostages and kill them if they are Navy sailors.

Arlen Specter has a primary opponent

This relates to earlier in the semester when we spoke about candidates needing to be at the median of their party as well as at the median of their district. It'll be interesting to see how this turns out. Will a vicious primary leave Pennsylvania with 2 Democratic senators?

Judges Country's Most Trusted Mathematicians

It appears that some of Minnesota's most trusted judicial officials can count.

Obama to ask congress for more war money

President Obama is asking for for more money to help the war effort in Afghanistan. Congress is mixed about this. The anti-war democrats wont support the extra funds but it has the supports of republicans. The minority leader John Boehner is ready so support this war effort but is weary of the president's leadership. It does look as though that the president will get his way and congress will most likely pass the extra amount. It is situations like this wonder how Obama's relationship with congress will develop over the years? I feel like the president does a lot to work with the minority party in congress.

Democrat wins Rahm Emanuel's Ill. Congress seat

Quigley handily wins Rahm Emanuel's Ill. Congress seat. Republican challenger Pulido gets burned after trying to campiagn in a democratic stronghold without her partie's support.

An Article about Pelosi

Maybe she doesn't have a personal army. I'm not convinced though.

Better Know A District

I'm pretty sure that Congressman Maffei is not nearly as safe as Congressman Wexler was... This could get interesting in 2010.

Ohio Redistricting Competition

The goal of the Ohio Redistricting Competition is to demonstrate that an open process based on objective criteria can produce fair legislative districts in Ohio. During the competition, it is our belief that a robust public conversation about the process can occur, leading to the development of the best possible redistricting recommendations for consideration by the Ohio General Assembly.

The Ohio Redistricting Competition represents the culmination of over nine months of planning amongst the League of Women Voters of Ohio (LWVO), Ohio Citizen Action, Common Cause, Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, Former State Representative Joan Lawrence, and State Representative Dan Stewart.

via The Monkey Cage

The world of politics works in strange ways

Despite the obvious wrongdoings of former Senator Stevens of Alaska he will walk clean in his ethics violations case. Not because of actual innocence, but because of more incompetence by the people who were in government positions to carry out the prosecution of former Senator Stevens. Who was the more incompetent, Stevens or the prosecutors? You make the call.

Obama Vs. Congress

The Importance of the Median Voter

Pretty incredible election results so far to fill (now Senator) Gillibrand's House seat.

Congress and Cuba

Cuba may be a new tourist attraction for many Americans soon. There are 20 senators looking to lift the embargo against Cuba. They see the post-Castro regime coming closer and closer and there could be an opening for freedom there. These senators argue against the original principals that the embargo was supposed to do. The embargo was supposed let communism fail by suppressing trade from the US. Cuba has learned to survive without it. The strategy to suppress totalitarianism by letting Cuban see how we live. Congress has not yet set a date to go over the proposed bill but it could come soon. Pres. Obama could be looking for some changes. During the campaign he suggested that change was a possibility.

Not very educational

I know this isn't educational at all, just kind of funny to me. I never thought of Russ Feingold as being a Dylan fan, or any 60's/70's music fan at all. Who knew?

Sen. Chris Dodd facing a strong challenger in the 2010 Dem. Primary?

Just a little blurb about a challenger looking into his chances for Chris Dodd's Senate seat. 

House approves FDA regulation of tobacco products

Earlier this week, as part of the effort to prevent tobacco use, the House of Representatives passed legislation allowing the Federal government to regulate the production of tobacco products (including smokeless tobacco i.e. "chew" tobacco). I find myself on the wire with this subject, while I am an advocate for tobacco use prevention and agree that there should be stricter regulations on the most dangerous and "lethal of all consumer products", to quote Sen. Ted Kennedy, I can see how the sponsored support from Phillip Morris USA may create a government created monopoly, and personally do not think the government should have authority to create a monopoly any such consumer products. I will be interested to see how the Senate will vote, and also to see exactly how these FDA regulations will be exectuted and their direct and indirects on tobacco use.

Paul Ryan Leads Way for GOP Budget

While Kohl is taking on the BCS, Paul Ryan from Wisconsin's 1st district and ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee has come up and proposed an alternative budget. This alternative details how it will: 1) fulfill the mission of health and retirement security; 2) control our nation's debts; 3) put the economy on a path of growth and leadership in the global economy; and 4) preserve the American legacy of leaving the next generation better off. It will be interesting to see how the Democratic majority responds to this alternative, be it voting it down, or finding some compromise.

Herb Kohl Takes On Crucial Issues

The BCS??!! I understand that it is a rather controversial issue to many Americans, but with all the other issues of our time, isn't there something else that Kohl could be in charge of? Better yet, why does Congress even bother with this anyway. Outside of hurting those who may be involved in gambling situations that deal with the BCS, who is the government protecting by taking this on? This seems to be a waste of time, money, and resources to me, and kind of sad that Kohl is the chairman on this issue.

Justice Dept. Seeks To Void Stevens' Conviction

April fools Stevens walks! Shouldn't this case have been a slam dunk? Are the prosecuters in contempt going to be repremanded in someway or is losing the case their punishment?

What has become of the D.C. full-vote measure? The NRA

The National Rife Association, with approximately four million members, is beginning to flex its political muscle with the Democrats in control of both Congress and the Executive. The NRA threatened to show its influence when the measure to give Washington, D.C. a full-voting representative in the House passed in the lower chamber of Congress. Suddenly, the bill was stalled in the Senate.

"The National Rifle Association's lobbyists made it clear to lawmakers that they believed the bill should include a measure to overturn the capital's gun control laws. Left mostly unsaid, but well understood by all 535 members of the House and Senate, was that failure to do so would unleash a barrage of political pain on resisters."

The NRA's political action committee spent $15.6 million in the last two election cycles, donating money to candidates who are "pro-gun" and more to the challengers of others who oppose them.

With the NRA readying itself for a battle against those in Congress who oppose them (regarding lifting the gun control laws in DC):
  1. Do you think this is a situation meant for compromise? Is public safety going to take a back seat to politics?
  2. Do you feel this is the perfect situation for the two parties to fully distinguish themselves from one another (the need for a clear divide and definition of what each party represents/stands for)?
  3. Can Democrats maintain their majority status while taking on such a controversial issue? Would taking a "Democrats are for certain gun restrictions" stance damage the party, or make them look stronger?

Gates: U.S. Not Prepared to Respond to North Korea Missile Launch

North Korea has moved a missile onto a launch pad and says it will be fired by April 8. Pyonyang insists the missile is designed for carrying a communications satellite, not a nuclear warhead that the secretive nation appears bent on developing.

What is the point?

Why would either party, in this case the Republicans, make a half-hearted attempt to block a budget that will undoubtedly pass eventually by making amendments when they don't even have an alternative budget proposal in place? Partisanship like this demonstrates the time our so-called leaders waste on taking shots at each other rather than coming up with solutions to our very real problems.

U.S. Congress Cautiously Welcomes New Afghan Plan

Russ Feingold will be heard! It looks like we're in store for a new direction in the Middle East, and Russ Feingold is weighing in.

Democrats Agree on Budget's Outline

We might be close to a finalized budget soon

Barney Frank, King of Pork

So apparently the idea of pork has been expanded. This article talks about how Frank defended Fannie and Freddie, along with other measures that led to huge bonuses to executives. Seems to me that pork not only deals with bringing money back to one's constituency, but also to enabling corporations the means to alter their books to get extra bonuses. That is a pretty far stretch, and just more finger pointing instead of solving the problem.

Congress, Largest Landlord in the U.S.

The article states that the land will be an area where man does not invade, or ruin, or whatever terminology one chooses. So there should be no need for billions of dollars to be put towards this, but why does there need to be billions of dollars set aside for this? I suppose for buying the land they would have to, but doesn't government just seize land anyway? Along those lines, if there is not to be humans on this land, why do livestock need to be protected from wolves of other wildlife? Isn't that just nature running its course?

Democrats Take Knife to Obama's Budget

Are the Democrats eating their own? "Key leaders" are scrapping the financial bailout. How will this budget turn out?

Congressional Chestbeating?

These hearings our always fun to keep a close eye on in that many Congressional members look to make a name for themselves by making so-called "tough" remarks to the star witnesses. It will be interesting to see Republicans treatment of Mr. Geithner in one of his first appearances up on the hill.

Administration launches plan to initially buy up half-trillion in toxic assets, free up credit

Administration officials said the plan put forth Monday will deploy $75 billion to $100 billion from the government's existing $700 billion bailout program for the purchase of bad assets - resources that will be supported by loans from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. and a loan facility being operated by the Federal Reserve.
Under a typical transaction, for every $100 in soured mortgages being purchased from banks, the private sector would put up $7 and that would be matched by $7 from the government. The remaining $86 would be covered by a government loan provided in many cases by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Law Professor Who Advised Obama Says House AIG Bill May Be Unconstitutional

The "AIG Bonus" bill that passed through the House might be doomed. The Senate could sit on it, Obama could veto it, and now it seems the Courts could kill it too.

Feingold/Ryan unveil earmark veto plan

A little Wisconsin bipartisanship at work right here. Feingold and Ryan unveiled their plan to allow for Obama to  cut "embarrassing" pork today. 

Team Effort in the House to Overhaul Health Care

I am really excited to see where this goes, while our country is one of the leaders in health care in terms of technology and research, our country has such great disparities when it comes to health care access. With the correct reform, we could see a great advancement with health care coverage but we will need the support and input of both parties in congress for this, because at first glance, this reform is seen as very liberal (in terms of nationalizing, making it available to all citizens) but, in order for this to be truly successful we need conservative input in terms of mandates if we want insurance companies and private hospitals to comply in order to ensure fair coverage. It is know that states (including Wisconsin) offer such State regulated health care access to all children such as the Wisconsin Women Infants and Children Program and BadgerCare with out straining the state's economy or even placing heavy restrictions on health care providers all while offering families the health care coverage they need. I think that if we really utilize the Congress members from these states, the government can successfully implement a similar federalized program.

What Would Happen Without Local Newspapers?

John Sides with a political science take on the relationship between Congress and local news media.

Are earmarks really so bad?

Its nice to see the media finally acknowledge that some earmarks are actually positive things that congresspeople are doing for their districts and not merely vote pandering.

Hillbillies: Don't Worry

Well, it turns out these crazy Communists we got running the House don't plan on takin' away the guns of the Gun-totin', bible clinging folks of this great nation after all. Man I love that 2nd Amendment.

Median Voter Theory in Action

Trouble is starting to stir for those in the party base of the Democratic party. Rep. Melissa Bean, D-Ill, the leader of the New Democrats Coalition (a 68-member group of moderate House Democrats), has begun her meetings with the heads of governmental financial leaders such as White House Budget Director, Peter Orszag.

Why would this pose a problem for the Democrats in Congress? Because the liberal base, who has been waiting patiently to pass its agenda for more than a decade, is being stalled by the moderates who seek to bring all of the policy positions to the middle. Showing their power early in the game, the New Democrats Coalition has been cited with:
"temporarily sidelining a measure to let bankruptcy judges rewrite mortgages. They held out for limits on court-ordered easing of mortgages, a move lenders were demanding. And a few centrist Senate Democrats helped slow passage of a $410 billion spending bill because of its cost."
With the Democrats poised to push forth their agenda to revolutionize energy policy, and a complete reform of the health care system:
  1. How can Democrats successfully pass the legislation they deem necessary while still having to appeal to the moderates? (Median Voter Theory)
  2. Are the moderates within the Democratic party more of a threat to the legislative process than the minority party?
  3. How can the moderate member group be an advantage/disadvantage to President Obama?

Lawmaker Tried to Aid Bank Partly Owned by Husband

Steele In Hot Water Over Abortion Comments

Steele continues to draw the concern of cultural conservatives within his party with his comments about state rights and abortion during his interview with GQ magazine this week. Although all may be forgiven provided he brings home the bacon (fundraising not pork) during his upcoming fundraising circuit schedule.

Senate Clears Spending After Fractious Debate

Hopefully this is the last of big spending bills and this country can get back on its feet. In other news, 4 states hit 10% unemployment today according to the Associated Press.

Big Test for New Chairman

This will be a big test for California Representative Henry Waxman. One of the reasons he was chosen in the face of seniority rules traditions to head the chairmanship of the House Energy and Commerce Committee was the fact that he has proven to be progressive on environmental and clean energy initiatives. Now he faces old-school representatives from his own party who still look to generate a great deal of their support from the coal and auto industries.

Congress having difficulty evaluating its carbon footprint

It was a bold move by Rep Pelosi to drastically cut the carbon output by Congress, but it may have been to bold. Congress has scrapped the idea to have a neutral output of carbon last month claiming it is too difficult to know just how much carbon Congress is producing. Also, they are unclear whether or not the offsets they purchased are sufficient. If Congress can't figure it out for themselves, how can the legislative body determine how much carbon its constituency can/cannot produce?

Don’t Rely on Bush’s Signing Statements, Obama Orders

Obama rewrites the rules for presidential law-making and invests a good deal of power in to the Attorney General. However, Obama is still claiming the privilege to issue signing statements which prolongs the struggle between the executive and legislative branch over where policy-making occurs.

Chinese harassed Navy Ship....

Now this, I can not take anymore stress.
Our President is dealing with our falling economy, two wars, Mexico conflict crossing borders, and many, many more issues. Now the Chinese want to bully us in the sea. We are too weak to get into another battle with anybody or anyone.

Take a look at the article.

Republicans Look for a Reliever in Kentucky

Looks like the GOP is officially dropping Senator Bunning. It will be interesting to see how this develops? Will the Republican primary in 2010 turn into a mudslinging contest, opening the door for a Democrat to take the senatorial seat in Kentucky?

Congress passes stopgap bill to avoid shutdown

Better not put that pork in the frying pan yet!! "Senate Republicans unexpectedly put the brakes on the sweeping measure. ...and it also contains about 8,000 pet projects sought by lawmakers" Aren't some of these Republican earmarks? I think they are--oh well there are going to be some unhappy constituents back home. I thought there was one of these earmarks that had to do with cow manure-- Well Congress has enough of it's own manure!!

Senator in Search of the "Truth"

This idea just fascinates me, a "truth comission" is a great idea, but why hasn't anyone thought of this before? There are Congressional Commisions that oversee educational scholarships, but none that oversee the ethical standards within the government, it just seems to be a bit overdue. I think a commission such as this would not only benefit those who want the truth on the actions within the Bush administration, but for all administrations to come in order to make sure that no executive administration abuses their powers, and perhaps such a commission should be implemented in all three branches of the government.

House Passes Mortgage Bankruptcy Bill

A step in the right direction. Keeping people in their houses is a good thing and one way of making troubled assets a little less troublesome. At least Alan Blinder is happy now.

RNC member calls on Michael Steele to resign

What hilarious hi jinx have ensued since Michael Steele ascended to RNC Chair. Hip hop makeovers, spending bill bling bling, interviews with Chuck D from Public enemy, Colbert rap battle, openly going after Rush Limbaugh.........awesome. Well now his resignation is being called for within the RNC. Surprise Surprise.

Republicans attempt to stall spending bill

Falling short of the "60 votes needed to end debate," $410 billion dollars needed to continue most government functions is in jeopardy. Most in the GOP, such as Senator John McCain, claim that the spending bill is ripe with "earmarks" (a term still under debate) and have refused to support the measure. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he will allow Republicans until Monday to change their votes to ensure the government has the funds necessary to function.

We must begin to ask ourselves "what is the strategy here?" After witnessing what occurred with the stimulus project, the strength of the majority party is obvious, and the weakness of the minority has been emphasized. The GOP seems to be gearing up for a strong fight against the ruling Democrats. The strategy seems to be hoping that all Democratic measures fail, and will put up enough stalling in an effort to say to the electorate "we told you so" in the event that the majority party's agenda does not succeed. There is a much better way to proclaim that the majority party is not in line with the needs of the people: a classic Senate filibuster.

Bring out the cots, and let the real debate begin. If the GOP is serious about showing the American people they disagree with Democratic policies, they should round themselves up and attempt to filibuster any legislation that does not get 60 votes. This would certainly display their disagreement in the most effective manner.

When considering the classic filibuster, let us ask:
  1. If the GOP is serious about stalling the Democratic agenda, why not let the people see how committed they really are to such an act? 
  2. Should the Republicans filibuster? Why or why not?
  3. Would an attempted filibuster by the GOP favor themselves, or their rivals?

Feingold, Ryan, McCain unite to curb earmarks

Since the line item veto was struck down by the Supreme Court in 1998, McCain and Feingold introduced new legislation gives Congress the ability to accept or reject each item the president tries to veto. That way, Congress retains control over the process while forcing lawmakers to justify spending items to their colleagues.

Feingold Opposes Spending Bill

Senator Feingold is not in favor of the new spending bill and believes the President should veto the bill. I am assuming that Feingold must not have any earmarks in the bill, and it must be a little too far out of his preferences.

House Rep to Ban Gitmo Detainees from U.S. Soil

This article brings up the question about what should happen to the detainees held at Guantanamo since it is to be closed by the end of the year. While enemy combatants in war have rights under the Geneva Convention, there is no place that grants rights to them in the U.S. Constitution. It is stated in the article that some of the previously held detainees have gone back to a life of terrorism. For this reason I do not believe introducing a bill that would ban them from setting foot on U.S. soil would stop them, or anyone for that matter, from doing so.

Senate Debates $410 Billion '09 Spending Bill

Uh oh, John McCain needs a nap. Here you can read all about some proposed earmarks and why non-Democrats hate them.

In Senate, Bipartisan Love of Earmarks

This harkens back to a discuss we had in class about pork. So if I am understanding this whole situation -- one Senators earmark is another Senators pork - depending on what your constituents need and or want in your home state? So is earmark sort of a euphemism for pork? Kind of like how utility means happy.

Filibusters: The Senate’s Self-Inflicted Wound

The cries against super-majoritarianism mount.

Bring on the bacon!

This article shows that party affiliation does not matter when pork spending is truly broken down. Every senator or representative for that matter is expected to bring home the bacon.

Interesting videos on new Reps on Capitol Hill

Worth checking out to see how it works being a Freshman Rep in Congress

Any other Alternatives?

The Iraq withdrawal, President Obama 19 month pledge; I don't know. Well, I figure once our troops exit with Iraq's government in control, that within minutes of the USA final plane returning home, that all chaos would break out. Paragraph three states the same.

I wondered when will I use this spatial theory. Reading this article I do understand using this theory can be helpful. There should have been more alternatives, because establishing written and verbal agreements with our known enemies is insane. How they maintain who's who and what's what?
I guess its a win win situation because the Iraq people have nothing. What happens when that need is no longer needed?

Great article, take a look.

Snow Cancels Pelosi's Plans

Last thing I want to start here is a debate whether or not global exists or does not exist. However, I do find this article amusing and ironic since Pelosi had to cancel her appearance at a Global Warming event due to inclement weather.

The Phantom Filibuster

An interesting op-ed about the filibuster and its intended usage.

Kansas Governor to head Department of Health and Human Services.

If and when this appointment is confirmed by the Senate, it will be very interesting to see how the Obama Administration will reform health care. On a side note, Obama also nominated Nancy-Ann DePearle as health care czar, an interesting addition to this administration, that we touched on last week in class. Sebelius has extensive in this field, while govenor of Kansas she was in charge of Kansas' Medicaid program and actually worked as an insurance commisioner. I am very excited to see how much and how far we can reform the health care policies in this country, for being one of the most affluent countries in the world, we have some of the most difficult standards in order to access health care.

Kohl seeks 401(k) relief

Sen. Kohl is the chairperson of the Special Committee on Aging. He Made a statement about the current economic crisis and how it is effecting the nations 401(k)'s. He mentioned a lot of loss in the past year citing one fund losing 40% of its worth. The Senator may in the future be looking to secure some funds to save many the nations retirement accounts.

Frustrated G.O.P. Tries to Drive Wedge Between Obama and Pelosi

Will Pelosi become one of the most powerful Speakers in history?

Hell Hath No Fury Like...

It appears that NRSC Chair John Cornyn has made his life harder by attempting to push Senator Jim Bunning out of the Kentucky senate race for 2010. Be careful what you wish for...

Good Luck

Good luck studying for the midterm this weekend.

Senate Passes DC voting law

The bill passed, but takes away DC's ability to control guns. In one of the least safe cities in the US making guns even more easily available seems devastating.

Jindal Taken a Stand

Gov. Bobby Jindal has taken a stand, he said, "Those of us who lived through Hurricane Katrina -- we have our doubts." Paragraph 2 interesting also.
Well lets ask New Orleans' Mayor Ray Nagins.
I know Jindal will take the money, they need it.

I included a pic from a family vacation in New Orleans in Feb 07, Hurricane Katrina Victims living under a bridge. Are they still there or not?

Taxation with representation?

The United States Senate has provided a crucial step in opening up debate to allow the District of Columbia full voting rights in the United States House of Representatives. With a delegate already in place (Eleanor Holmes Norton) that has the right to vote in committees but not on the final passage of final legislation, the overwhelmingly Democratic district would bring another notch into the Democratic Party's control in the House. As a matter of compromise, an additional representative would be added to Republican-leaning Utah. The new total would reach 437 representatives in the House.

Without any real representation in the House since the district's inception in 1801, the people have demanded the same rights given to the rest of the country. It was not until 1973 that they were permitted to vote for their own mayor, and even currently have no power over the city budget (which is handled by Congress). The district proudly displays "Taxation Without Representation" on their license plates (even seen on the presidential limousines of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama).

After (possibly) having been granted this full-voting representative:
  1. Will the same privilege be extended to the United States Senate (even though the Constitutional language is more strict than for that of the House)?
  2. Could this be the first real step in the DC Statehood movement?
  3. Could Puerto Rico be next in the call for full representation (and/or possibly the 52nd state, after DC)?

McCain: The Fiscal Responsible One On the Military?

I am curious to see what people think about Senator McCain's questioning President Obama about runaway military procurement costs when this is man who said he would stay in Iraq for "a thousand years" to secure victory there. I am sure that a thousand year stay in Iraq would also be very effective in curbing runaway military costs as well.

The new comeback kid? Congress.

I found this to be interesting. I am quite surprised that only mere 31% of Americans approve of Congress' actions, what is even more surprising is that this is a 12% increase from last month, Congress' highest rating in the past two years. I realize that Americans don't always agree with Congress' latest policies, but less than 31%?

An insider's look at how Congress works

This expose of Rahm Emmanuel really gets into the legislative process.

Big Twitters

Alright, so I have yet to understand (or even check out) this whole twitter craze, but I hear so much about it on the news. I can't quite understand how this is such a big trend, maybe I'm just too used to Facebook! But, with current and former Congress members, President, and former Presidential staff, this must be both fun to use and nice for constituents who don't care to read 25pg statements, I guess 140 characters is a good way to keep their responses clear and concise.

Will the walls come tumbling down?

One of the best speeches ever. Holder made great points, points I always wondered WHY?
History class was missing history. Michael Eric Dyson is one of the best to listen to about Blacks in America.
Holder great points...
Holder insists "that black history is not only good for black Americans but vital for the entire country."

Take a look at the article...


The banking system is out of control. First thing on the morning news is CitiGroup, how their stocks are declining and how the American People will benefit from the government bailout. I agree with Cato's Gerald P. O'Driscoll Jr, from WSJ, ""If a bank is too big to fail, then it is simply too big." Simple as that.

DC House Voting Rights Act of 2009 might turn up again

The senate maybe letting s.160 back to be argued. This is the bill to let the District of Columbia to have actual voting rights in the US house of representatives. The District right now only has a non voting seat. This makes many people in D.C. uneasy. Having recently traveled there I was able to hear the civic unrest about the topic. The Washingtonians are very passionate about the issue and in my opinion it needs to be put up to at least some discussion.

Do you think the Washingtonians have the constitutional right to have a voting seat?

Pelosi excommunicated?

Being raised a catholic, attending catholic schools, and all that other stuff I have heard about excommunicating, but never really knew it was still a "big thing." Apparently so since a Catholic group from Virginia is going straight to the top to try and pull this off on the House Speaker. In today's society I highly doubt this will have any effect on her campaign.

Only 31 days

I have something to point out!
Take a look at a picture of President Obama during his campaign, then look at this clip.
Look at President Obama's gray hair, when did that get there?
If becoming the President of the United States age you as such, that is a position I do not want.
31 days as President has aged him mighty quickly.
Now, note all things in the media, just from today, now gather all issues dealing with President Obama and the Obama Administration.

Simple question?

If you became the President of the United States how would you handle the pressure, and prevent it from effecting your appearance?

I'll eat through the pressure and play basketball for exercise. I pass!

The (Ever) Powerful Ladies from Maine

Ideology, state population a jedi craves not these things.

Palin Told to Pay Back Taxes

Well, so much for that "Maverick-y" tax reform her and McCain were so adamant about. I have some stipulations about this, I have no tolorance for those who try to pull a fast one on the government with hiding their taxes, especially when those individuals are representing the State! I think this should be an immediate reason for impeachment for all politicians, but that's just my opinion.

Missouri Representative for Senate

Because Political Science is my major, I am slightly embarassed to ask, but is this a relatively common action by House members to run for Senate? I have never really heard of such an instance, and found this rather interesting!

To Much Beer

How do you fell about this beer/wine cooler issue?

"Its too readily available".

There is a overflow of beer and wine licenses in Greenfield, so limiting new applicants will help reduce the overflow?

Scrutinize applicants can too help......but before the business owner receive their liquor licenses they are reviewed..right?

Gov. Spending and Unemployment

It will be interesting to see how this new stimulus will fare with the unemployment rates. History shows it won't be too pretty considering this is the most expensive bill passed by Congress.

Who Needs The Help?

"It will not reward folks who bought homes they knew from the beginning they would never be able to afford."

This quote is the last sentence of this article.
I witness this mess build up working as an loan underwriter.
This is a surprise mainly because the bankers were able to boost the income of many families. The policy changed daily(which was directed by government) and with those means of measuring determined how much house you can get with the new policy.
Before I knew it a "D" credit score with old debt was able to attain a loan with no documents.

Now look at this mess now....

Yes, these families know they could not afford the home but with the assistance of the government, the "American Dream" became visible, attainable.

Now look at who lost...the "American People"

Pelosia vs Maineington.

Per our discussion this week, an interesting story about the relationship between the House and Senate. We discussed two hypothetical states where one was run by Clinton and another by Bush. Here we see the same scenario, where a cadre of moderates in the Senate has as much institutional power as the entire House Democratic Caucus...

Will the results be the same as predicted by your homework? Stay Tuned.

In ironic twist of fate, Cantor's wife to get stimulus money

Yup, the man who got the House GOP to vote collectively against a stimulus will be a direct beneficiary of it. Gotta love Congress!

Aerosmith to House GOP: Don't Use Our Song

Eric Cantor committed copyright infringement by using an Aerosmith song without consent for a video. Maybe the RIAA should target Cantor and show that if theyre going to prosecute people for copyright infringement than politicians aren't immune.

The "Honorable" Senator from Illinois

Senator Roland Burris is back in the news. Just as we think the Illinois Senate seat controversy is over, new allegations of misconduct have surfaced. After an interview on Monday, he stated that he had contacted friends to "put together some money" after the former Illinois governor's brother contacted him about filling the vacant Senate seat.

No big news? Think again. These statement are contradictory to remarks he made to a committee last month that was looking into impeaching Rod Blagojevich. Burris originally said he had only spoken to one associate about interest in taking the seat, but now that number is four, including the ex-governor's brother Rob.

After much struggle to achieve taking the seat, and much controversy surrounding the reason for his appointment, it is of great interest that he would have made any false statements when so much attention was being given to him. Perhaps he took a move from the Blagojevich playbook.

Some questions to ask of the situation:
  1. If it is discovered that Burris did engage in quid pro quo, what should become of his current status as Senator from Illinois?
  2. Should Burris take it upon himself to leave the post if further allegations surface? 
  3. How would you feel if such a situation did occur, and the Senate began hearings to expel him from the body?

Stimulus hurts economy in long-run

Taken directly from a letter from the Congressional Budget Office to the Senators, this shows that that the stimulus bill may help increase employment and GDP in the next two years, but will eventually weaken the economy afterward. This is a little stunning since in two years President Obama and many other Congressional representatives will be gearing up for re-elections. It would not look too favorable for them if the economy is starting to sink again during that time.

No Lobbyists Mr. Obama?

I find it kind of ironic that during his campaign President Obama pledged that he would not hire lobbyists of any kind to his administration. Congress should somehow call him on this and block the nominees, especially since Speaker Pelosi believes in a more "clean and ethical" government. Not even a month into his presidency and already possibly breaking promises??

Doyle warns of pain in budget proposal

Doyle proposed target tax increases on corporate income, and certain sale items. Over 3/4 of the budget goes for six programs: aid to public schools; health care, the prison system, the University of Wisconsin System; aid to local governments; and tax credits that lower property tax bills.

Lincoln ranked best president by historians

I know this doesn't deal with Congress, but I couldn't resist it. Our beloved Former President (sarcasm mine) was rated 36 out of 42 of the worst Presidents ever. I know that must be shocking to everyone! Well now he can go back to his ranch in Crawford and play cowboy, maybe he can get that right! yi-pi-yi-ay, ride 'em cowboy!

Stimulus for Infrastructure?

I hope that this stimulus that has passed which claims to be spending for infrastructure does not go towards expenditures like this. It does not surprise me in the least to see the words "oversight," "accountability," and "transparency" in this article. Since those three words seem to be the magic words that are supposed to make everyone feel good about what government is/will be doing. It seems rather funny to me though that this stimulus bill was passed so quickly before any could actually read what exactly was in the bill. That does not sound much like transparency to me, but that's just me. This article concerns me for the simple reason that many state D.O.T.'s use union labor to complete highway projects and the like, and there is one party that is generally favored by the unions. Kind of sounds to me like this could be one giant pay out to a rather large interest group.

The Dirtiest Game of All: Politics

This article seemed intriguing not because of the enlightenment it would provide but the entertainment. The saga involving Rod Blagojevich and his subsequent appointment of Senator Burris is too good (or sad) to be true and just won't go away.

Is Cantor the new Gingrich?

Congressional Republicans, finding themselves in a weakened state much like they were in 1993 have turned to representative Eric Cantor for leadership. Will Cantor be the new Newt Gingrich? This article draws many comparisons between now an then.

Stimulus Bill is Official

Students to receive up to $2500 in federal tax rebates, individuals up to $400, couples up to $800. Out of curiosity - how much of the $2900 you should be receiving do you anticipate spending versus saving?

Justice Dept. Investigating Campaign Donations From Lobbying Firm

President Obama may think he is going to clean up Washington, and what many refer to as dirty politics- All I can say is lots of luck! One could say clean politics is a contradiction of terms. Special Interest will always find a way to influence the Washington elite in Congress to vote their way. Ethics must be very difficult for members of Congress to maintain, with all that money and other goodies coming their way- to sway their vote.

U.S. House set for final vote on stimulus

Ughhh, more stimulus talk. It feels like we might finally be approaching an agreement in this seemingly endless dispute. I just want to know, when all is said and done, do you guys think it will work?

Kohl and Feingold Help out Harley-Davidson

Sen. Feingold and Sen. Kohl are attempting to help out Harley-Davidson with the big stimulus bill. People will be able to get tax benefits by buys motorcycles a long with buying cars. The stimulus bill is currently up to 789$ billion dollars. It should be on the president's desk soon. That is very good for Harley because the company is planning to cut its work force by 1,100 jobs. Hopefully with this bill, Harley-Davidson can bounce back.

Has precedent been set in confirmation hearings involving tax problems?

First it was Tim Geithner for Treasury Secretary, who was later confirmed. Then it was Tom Daschle for Health and Human Services, who later withdrew his nomination. Now it is Hilda Solis for Labor who, after much delay, will most likely be confirmed. Although it is not her taxes that are in question, but rather her husband's, what is the new standard in the Senate for confirming nominees with a questioned financial past? After one confirmation, one withdrawal, and one pending, there are many decisions to be made about the new standard for those to serve in high executive posts.

  1. After Geithner's confirmation, and Solis more than likely to be confirmed, did Daschle take his name out of the running too soon?
  2. If any position should be affected, one would assume it would be for Treasury. However, that was of no consequence. Does this mean that other cabinet posts should not be determined by tax history?
  3. How could so many nominees, including Bill Richardson (who withdrew his bid to head the Commerce Department due to a state investigation relating to pay-to-play allegations), be allowed to get so far into confirmation hearings? ie: How were these issues not discovered in the vetting process?

Because there weren't enough Caucuses Already...

A group of Democratic Members of the House, from across the ideological spectrum, have formed a new "Populist Caucus." The group formed in response to outrage over the recent economic downturn and apparent malfeasance on Wall Street. "As someone who has been out holding town hall meetings and getting a faceful of that populist rage, I know that it is real, it is a force that needs to be dealt with, and it needs to be given a voice," said Bruce Braley (D-IA), the founding member of the caucus. Apparently, now we have an organized pitchfork and torches brigade.

Is naysaying a good political strategy for the GOP?

Will being the party of "no" help the GOP down the road or is it a dead end?

Krugman rips centrists

Paul Krugman offers his criticism of representatives moving to the center

Which Chamber WIll Gain the Upperhand?

It will be interesting to see whether the version that comes out of the joint committee between the House and the Senate will look more like the former or the ladder?

Fat and muscle

Phew. Paul Krugman has single-peaked preferences.

GOP Sees Positives In Negative Stand

I thought that this article was interesting. according to this article, the republican party is using opposition to the stimulus plan in congress as a sort of rally point that will allegedly rejuvinate the party. This is interesting that there is a very strong partisan response by the core of the GOP so early in the Obama Administration's term - less than a full month in office. The question that arises from this is will this help the GOP members in congress or will it hurt them?

What the centrists have wrought

Thoughts regarding the stimulus package that will be voted on tomorrow:

Mediocrity is a byproduct of bipartisanship. If this package gets pushed through on Monday, then Michael Steele was right, bipartisanship is overrated. Through the spirit of bipartisanship we will achieve a stimulus package that will pass, and then fall way short of the necessary magnitude of spending needed. (If you subscribe to the stimulus through Govt. spending camp as I do.) Looks like more expensive policy that will fail aswell as vindicate the Obama naysayers.

Senators not so optimistic about a bipartisan agreement on the Stimulus Bill

It really looks like the Senate is having a difficult time finding a common ground between Democrats and Republicans on the total amount the Stimulus should be. Just like we were talking about in class, different Senators have different ideal points and it is all about finding that median point that is going to come out on top in a majority rule vote. Albeit a graph showing 100 Senator's indifference curves might be slightly more complicated than our examples in class, it is essentially the same idea, and worth reading the article now that we know the basics of how majority rule votes work. 

Need Money? Ask China!

As usual the Government of the United States wants to spend well beyond its means, or I should say the elected officials sitting in Washington want to do so. Some of us know that when we are out of funds, out credit cards are maxed out, and banks refuse to loan us money, there is no where we can go. Eventually Congress will face this same issue. There are numerous nations around the world that the U.S. owes money to and whey want to collect, where is the U.S. going to get the money from? Taxpayer money, it seems won't do the trick, and government bonds do not have much return on them, many of which have less than a one percent interest rate on them. Some people in Congress realize this and want to get back to a more fiscally responsible scheme. There is an old say that in order to make money, one has to spend money. However, in this case, Congress has spent way too much, and plans on spending even more.

Strange Bedfellows

Sen. Judd Gregg voted to kill the Department of Commerce and will now lead it. If any one doubts Obama's ability to inspire change just look at Gregg.

Judd Gregg's Senate Seat to be replaced by a Republican

New Senator promises not to run in 2010, giving Dems a chance to take another Senate seat.

Absentee Ballots Unlikely to Save Coleman

Nate Silver of analyzes Norm Coleman's Chances at beating Al Franken for Minnesota's 2nd Senate seat through the judicial system.

Senate Lacks Votes to Pass Stimulus

So much for the Obama administration's bipartisan ambitions and goal for 80 votes in the Senate. The Democrats' own house doesn't seem to be in order.

Al Franken is a Big Fat Republican Fundraising Target, and Other Observations

Even though the Minnesota Supreme Court threw Norm Coleman a proverbial lifeline, it appears to be hair thin and silly string strong. While Fmr. Senator Coleman has won a challenge to have some 4800 ballots reexamined, the standards set up by the court mean that fewer than a handful are likely to count, and chances are that Coleman will not win them all.

With his probability of victory so small, why is Coleman still challenging Al Franken for this Senate Seat? The answer lies probably with the villification of Franken on the other side of the aisle. Franken is to Republicans as Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are to Democrats. With him in the Senate, he will raise plenty of money for Republicans across the nation. He raises even more money if his election appears illegitimate. For Coleman, questioning Franken's win not only keeps him in his party's good graces should he run for another office (Open Governor seat in 2010?) but also assures him some private sector job in a Republican-allied interest group or counsultancy firm.

Meanwhile, Minnesota has but one senator. And while I relish any opportunity to stick it to a state that produces a team like the Vikings, what are the political and philosophical consequences of that penalty?

Sensenbrenner and Feingold wants change in the in the recovery bill.

Jim Sensenbrenner is hoping for some change in the new stimulus bill that went through the house of representatives last week. It's now the senates turn. Sensenbrenner is a republican from Wisconsin and represents the Waukesha/Menominee Falls area. He expects change to come in the bill so that more jobs can be created as opposed to a lot of wasteful spending as he believes is in the bill. He was joined every republican in the house on voting against the bill. Sen. Russ Feingold is also pledged to do the same while teaming up with his friend and Republican John McCain on an earmark amendment to the bill. With much support to change the bill, it looks like there might be some bi-partisan teamwork after all.

Senate Panel Probing '04 Corporate Tax Break

The question is over how this tax break has been used and if a similar tax break should be offered now.

The effect of Daschle's past?

It will be interesting to see how much noise Senate Republicans make publicly about Tom Daschle's alleged tax problems given his past as the Democratic Senate Majority Leader.

Obama spends his capital in a hurry

After multiple attempts at reaching across the aisle with little success, President Obama summoned Congressional leaders to the White House to discuss the future of the stimulus package. Thus far, Obama has made the unorthodox trip to the Capitol to reach out and work on a solution. With differences between the House and Senate versions, further negotiations will be needed, regardless.

Obama seems to be using his political capital in a hurry, and this is only phase one of the recovery plan. As seen recently, Republican support is not necessarily needed. Should the Democrats do what they feel is right and push forth without bipartisan support, or delay the recovery plan to amend the differences?

Sources: Sen. Judd Gregg Accepts Commerce Secretary Post

In relation to the article posted by TA Matt a couple of days ago, Sen. Gregg has apparently accepted a position in President Obama's cabinet as Secretary of Commerce. This appointment could tip the balance of the Senate toward a filibuster-proof "super majority" in favor of the Democrats if New Hampshire's governor selects a Dem. to replace the Republican Gregg. Does anybody think this is momentous, or is it too highly unlikely that the Governor would appoint a Democratic replacement?

Southwest border fence nears completion; about one-tenth of the project still to be built

Fewer people are illegally crossing the US-Mexico border due to the 601 miles of fence already build with 69 left to go. Along with the fence the overall plan icludes more border patrol agents, and a high tech virtual fence using surveillance technology. Congress set aside 2.7 billion for the fence in 2006 with no estimate on how much it'll cost to build and maintain.

Partisan Now, Bipartisan LaterThe logic behind Republican opposition to Obama's stimulus package.

Given the recent developments in congress and lately, within the discourse of this blog, this article regarding bipartisanship seems appropriate. It is far to early to call the off the honeymoon between the Democrats and Republicans just yet. It hasn't even been two weeks sicnce Obama's inaguration ! . As for the bailout, the Republican's posturing is is understandable. The Dems had the muscle to role out the bailout with or without them.

Sensenbrenner snubbed by democrat officials' partisanship

2006, Sensenbrenner loses chairmanship of House Judiciary Committee
2008, Republicans lose white house
2009, Sensenbrenner frozen out of seat on federal nominating commission for Wisconsin. The commission recommends individuals for vacant federal judge seats and US Attorney jobs.

Sensenbrenner is unhappy at a blown chance at bi-partisanship. It would have been a good opportunity, and a sign of respect towards Sensenbrenner from Kohl and Feingold, to not freeze him out. Sensenbrenner has experience in the area.


Michael Steele is the new GOP Chairman


Food Stamps Over Jobs??

Since when do food stamps and unemployment insurance boost an economy? In my academic career I learned that a good economy is one that produces and sells goods, has low unemployment rates, and brings revenue into the country. Food stamps and unemployment insurance is counterintuitive to that. If people can receive something for free, why would anyone want to work? This just promotes the entitlement attitude that many Americans now feel, or wish to have. These programs will expand deficit spending, drive the country further into debt and weaken the dollar even more than it already is.

Ethics or Money?

You decide.

Where Did All the Republicans Go?

A new Gallup Poll map showing current party affiliations.. times look bleak for the GOP right now.


Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) has confirmed that he is being considered for the position of Secretary of Commerce. If he were appointed, and were to accept, his seat would be filled by whomever Governor John Lynch (D-NH) chose. Assuming that Lynch appoints a Democrat, and that Al Franken prevails in Minnesota (both of which would appear more likely than not), then the Democratic Caucus would hold a fillibuster proof 60 seats in the Senate. Further, and Democrat appointed in New Hampshire should have a leg up on their Republican challenger because of the incumbency advantage, in 2010.

If this happens, expect a few Republican co-signers on Senator Feingold's Constitutional Amendment proposal.

Bring on the windfarms

For years now I continue to hear, read, and see all this 'evidence' about how global warming, or climate change as it is now called, is an ongoing issue in today's world. New technologies are being developed that are trying to come up with ways to reduce carbon footprints (something I am still confused about) of individuals and industries. Many opponents of President Bush claim that his policies destroyed the environment and expedited the problem of global warming. What is overlooked, or simply ignored is that the world has been cooling since President Bush's time in office (probably the reason why it is now called climate change) and he allowed the construction of a wind farm off the shores of Massachusetts. Who are the ones opposing these wind farms? The same people who criticized President Bush for destroying the environment. If these people want to continue to push for technologies that lead us away from fossil fuels, some sacrifices have to be made. And it should not be limited to the people who vote the law makers into office.

Blagojevich is out.

Seemed like this was a foregone conclusion.

"The Grand White Party"

Anyone else excited/apprehensive about tomorrow's GOP chairmanship vote? Given my liberal bias, Steele scares me because I think he could really revive the GOP. Here's to hoping that the GOP picks either the member of the white-only country club or the guy who sent out the song "Barack the Magic Negro."

Senate Likely to Pass Bill on Kids' Health Insurance

Unlike a few years ago, Republicans are wildly against this bill, mostly because it offers health care to immigrant children. Personally, I think the GOP is doomed if they keep alienating immigrants (and especially their children).

Feingold: Give appointment powers to the people

Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold wants to amend the US constitution, so that when when a senate seat is vacated, the spot will be mandatorially filled by a special election, eliminating gubernatorial appointments. It's an interesting move i think worthy of discussion

Impeach McCain

Illinois Governor Rudy Blagojevich uses strange logic to defend himself in the closing arguments of his impeachment trial. With his television blitz earlier this week and his closing arguments, Blagojevich is shaping up to be the most entertaining political fiasco of the new year.

House passes $819 billion stimulus bill

House passes stimulus bill, not a single Republican votes for the bill, 11 Democrats vote against the bill. Yet thanks to the changing of power in the House, the stimulus bill still passes. 

House likely to pass $825 billion stimulus package today

[contributor just posted the whole article here. removed. boo.]

Just a CNN Politics article about Obama's talks with Republican Congress members about his Stimulus Plan

Somewhat related to what we were discussing in class. 

An Update on the Minnesota Recount

Coleman asks that thousands of rejected absentee ballots be reconsidered statewide, after many were reconsidered and added in democratic districts. Coleman is arguing that the reconsideration of absentee ballots in only select districts is a violation of the constitutional principle of equal protection. He is pushing for a common standard to be used statewide in the recount.

After a Coleman win by several hundred votes on election day, the vote totals have flip-flopped repeatedly in both directions during the recount. Currently, Franken has a lead of 225.

Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI) Calls on Government to start monitoring the availability of converter boxes in retail stores.

Kohl is asking the government to quickly monitor the supply of converter boxes. There is a fear that when the date comes to switch to digital television a lot of Americans will be left without television. Sen. Kohl is the chair of the Special Committee on aging. He works for older Americans who he fear will not be ready to make the switch on FEB. 17th. So far Pres. Obama has asked for the date to be pushed back.

An editorial about partisanship in Obama's America

An editorial in the Washington Post discusses the Republican response to a new call for "bipartisanship," arguing that partisanship is not fading, but rather becoming more subtle in preparation for a GOP resurgence.

Wisconsin's Feingold Wants to Stop Governors From Appointing Senators to Fill Vacant Seats

This article explains how Wisconsin's own Senator Russ Feingold plans to end Gubernatorial appointments to the Senate.

Senate Seat Is Latest Stop On Bennet's Unlikely Ride

More on Michael Bennet, Colorado's new junior senator, a man with a very thin political past.

Don’t Name That Senator

A state pol argues for reforming the gubernatorial privilege senator replacement.

Sounds like something to talk about on the first day of class.

Welcome to Spring

Get ready for the fun. Hopefully the next 101 days won't change everything we are about to learn.

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